The Sun, The Sea and The Host Club

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While Haruhi was sitting at a table surrounded by a huge pile of books, Yuki was sitting at the grand piano practicing. Well that was until the twins filled the music room with swimsuits going on about going to the beach. Yuki forgot about her piece as she stood up and made her way over to them. The brunette weaved between the suits as she tried to pick one. They were all so nice. Yuki looked over and noticed that the twins were explaining why they choose the suit they did, to cover up the fact that Haruhi was so flat chested. Tamaki yelled at the twins for making that comment making Yuki giggle as she finally picked her suit. 


Yuki was standing on sand of Okinawa in her simple blue bikini with a camera hanging from her neck. She was annoyed to say the very least but then again she should have seen it coming after all. They were staying in Kyoya's families vacation home and using their private beach so of course Kyoya would bring the ladies. When the ladies first got there, Yuki thought she might be able to have some fun but instead the camera was dropped around her neck by Kyoya. He claimed it would be a shame to miss out on all the great pictures she could get today. 

"So, why'd we come to Okinawa?" The twins asked. 

"Because Kyoya's family has a private beach here." Tamaki told them.

"It's beautiful isn't it?" Honey said happily. 

"Why couldn't we have gone to the Caribbean? Or even Yuki?" The twins asked clearly hoping for a more exotic beach time. Honest Yuki would love to see either of those places but she didn't have a passport nor the money for travel like that.

"Do you think a commoner like Haruhi and Yuki has a passport?" Kyoya informed them. 'That was kinda insulting...even if it's true'

"Aah" the twins nodded realizing the problem. 

"You do realize that I can hear what you're saying, right?" Haruhi asked annoyed. 

The conversation ended and the host broke off to go do something with each of their guests. Tamaki was sitting on a rock in the water with one girl at a time, the twins were playing beach volleyball, Honey and Mori were doing some kind of yoga then there was Haruhi who was trapped underneath a umbrella in a shirt and shorts. Haruhi was the main person who wanted to go to the beach and now can't even go swimming because of all the girls here. Yuki sat next to Haruhi for a while, talking to her and taking photos every once in a while as her spot was nearly in the middle of everything. 

"I'm sorry you don't get a chance to go swimming Haruhi" Yuki said as she took a photo of Honey and Mori. 

"You don't get to swim either" Haruhi pointed out. Yuki shrugged, truthfully she didn't like any water where she couldn't see the ground of. 

"You know how I feel about bodies of water like this" Yuki said dropping her camera, letting it dangle around her neck, and looked over the beach. "Honestly what I was looking forward to today was being able to spend time with you and the rest of the host club without anything happening. That's what the theme pack was meant to be and then the current pool thing happened. I know you don't totally enjoy hanging out with them because they can be rich jerks but if you open yourself up for once Haruhi you will realize what a family these guys can be. We don't have to be alone anymore." Yuki said softly sending a look to Haruhi before giving her a smile when she saw the shocked and surprised face on her sisters face. The younger twin stood up before traveling down the beach to get more photos.

After taking photos for a while, Kyoya finally allowed Yuki to stop for a while and have some fun. Although at the moment, Yuki was walking through the sand next to Haruhi until they came across Honey and Mori. 

Haruhi's TwinOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora