Happy Birthday

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(Author Note: Okay because no one could really tell me more about the time line, I'm just going to do it anyways. If the time line is a little messed up that's fine. It won't dramatically change the outcome. Plus I wanted to get a chapter out and I haven't been able to rewatch the next episode. So here's another original chapter. Hope you guys enjoy!)

The obnoxious sound of a phone ringing caused Yuki to jerk awake. The early morning phone calls happen so often now that Yuki doesn't even bother using her alarm clock anymore. If it wasn't the twins, it was Tamaki calling to ask more questions about commoner life and mostly Haruhi. While Yuki often answered the commoner questions with a lot of sarcasm and exaggerations, she always answered the questions about Haruhi with some helpful advice. The younger Fujioka was rooting for the flamboyant blonde.

The obnoxious sound stopped for a moment and Yuki picked up her head a bit. Her blue eyes traveled to the small device that sat on her night stand. If it was the twins the phone would start ringing any second now but if it was Tamaki then it wouldn't ring for another five minutes. Yuki watched the device for a moment or two and when it didn't ring she closed her eyes again. However as soon as she did the ringing started again. A soft curse left her lips as she reached for the object and answered the call.


"WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL US YOUR BIRTHDAY WAS TODAY?!" The loud shouts from the twins caused Yuki to quickly move the phone away from her ear. A whimper of pain left her lips before she brought the phone back.

"Guys it's to early to be screaming.." Yuki responded tiredly. "I didn't tell you because it isn't a big deal" She mumbled.

"Not a big..NOT A BIG DEAL?!!" The twins shouted again causing Yuki to just hold the phone away from her ear and put it on speaker. "How could you say that? It's your birthday! The day you were brought into this world!!"

"It's just another day guys.." Yuki mumbled. As she spoke, her door opened and Haruhi poked her head in. "I'll see you guys Monday" she spoke before hanging up on the twins. She turned her phone on silent before setting it down back on the night stand. Moving over on her twin bed, Yuki held the blanket up for Haruhi. Seeing this, Haruhi moved closer before joining her twin in bed.

"Another birthday without mom.." Haruhi spoke in a soft monotone voice.

"YeAh.." Yuki's voice cracked as she replied.

Ever since the death of their mother, the twins never enjoyed their birthday. All holidays were hard for a while but soon enough they grew to enjoy those again. However their birthday was always a hard thing to celebrate without the woman. The twins only truly remembered one of their five birthdays with Kotoko seeing as they were so young when she died. According to their father, Kotoko always tried her hardest to make that day special for the twins. Even going as fair as to give the twins separate cakes so they didn't feel upset about having to share their birthday, despite the girls never actually minding. While there were plenty of arguments that could be made about why the girls should enjoy their birthday if their mother had made such a big deal out of it, the twins just couldn't find joy in it. Their father tried every year to make it something fun but the girls normally just spend the day in one of their rooms.

"Girls..?" The sound of their fathers voice caused them both to pick up their heads and look towards the door. Ranka stood in the doorway with a tray of breakfast for the twins. "I know I'm not the best cook but I made you guys breakfast." He spoke as he walked over. Yuki and Haruhi sat up and shifted slightly so they could all fit on the small bed. Ranka set the tray down in the space between them before sitting on the bed himself.

"Thank you." The twins spoke together as they both sheepishly started eating.

"I know you two normally don't have plans for your birthday but that was before you meant the host club. Are you hanging out with them? Maybe we could have a party here!" Ranka suggested hopefully.

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