Day Before School

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Yuki Fujioka walked out of her bedroom with her arms stretched over her head as she let out a loud yawn. Normally Yuki didn't like getting up this early in the morning unless she had to. Today was Sunday, the day before she and her twin sister Haruhi would be starting the fabulous private school of Ouran Academy. Haruhi had gotten in on a honor scholarship while Yuki got in on an art and music scholarship. The Fujioka family wasn't wealthy meaning that the twins scholarships were the only way the two would have ever been able to go to such a school. 

"Yuki you are up early" Haruhi commented as Yuki walked into the kitchen/living room. The family of three lived in a small three bedroom apartment but it was more then enough space between them. 

"I wanted to go to the mall and get something that kind of matched the uniform because we can't pay for the stupidly expensive ones. Do you want to come with?" Yuki asked as she made herself a cup of instant coffee and jumped up onto the counter as she watched her sister cooking. "I'm sure I have enough for the both of us" 

"No thank you. I need to get some food from the supermarket, plus I don't really care what I wear." Haruhi shrugged her shoulders keeping her back turned to her sister. 

The two of them may been twins but they were very different. While Haruhi took after their mother who was calm, collective and very smart; Yuki took after their father and was much more flamboyant, mischievous and was more likely to make an effort in her outfits everyday. However the two of them are very close despite the differences between them. 

Yuki sighed shaking her head slightly. She didn't understand how her sister just didn't care about what people thought about her but she did however admire that quality about Haruhi. Yuki normally blamed the fact that she cared so much on their father but that wasn't the case really. The younger twin had a rather low self-esteem and tries to cover it by blaming it on a trait picked up from their father. 

"Alright." Yuki shrugged her shoulders as she finished her coffee and jumped off the counter. "I'm going to get dressed so I can leave after I finish eating." Yuki told Haruhi and turned back down the hall and went back into her bedroom just as she heard a faint 'okay' from Haruhi. The brown haired girl walked over to her closet before pulling out her clothes for the day. As she got dressed she was looking at a photo of the school uniforms of both female and male. The female uniform was ghostly and Yuki was more then glad she didn't had to wear the banana dress. She thought that rich people were meant to be stylish. After Yuki was finished getting dressed and had a good look at the uniforms she left her bedroom and walked back into the kitchen where Haruhi had placed two plates of breakfast on the table and was already started eating her own food. The younger twin sat down and ate the food that Haruhi had made for the two of them. The two girls often switched back and forth with who was in charge of cooking for that day, although Yuki was a much better baker then an actual cook. 

After breakfast was over, Yuki helped Haruhi clean up the mess before leaving the house. The trip to the mall wasn't that long, a bus ride and a short walk: Well a short walk for her as she offer made the trip the the mall as she had a weekend job every other weekend at a small bakery in the mall. The job helped her save money so she could buy her own clothes without having her father worry about buying two set of clothes for both of his daughters. It's not much money but every little bit helps. Yuki soon made her way into a store that sold clothes and uniform pieces. She already had a very good idea of what she was going to get to try and match the uniforms as much as she could. A few black skirts in place of the male uniform pants, check. Knee length socks to cover up her legs, check. A white button up long sleeve and short sleeve shirts for the top, check. A yellow and red ribbon for a bow around her neck instead of a tie, check. Lastly a yellow button up sweater along with a yellow vest, check. Yuki already had a pair of nice black dress shoes from her old school so she planned on just using those shoes instead of wasting more money then she would need to at the moment. By the time she was finished and paid for it was already the afternoon and it was probably about time she should be heading home. 

"I'm back" Yuki called into the small apartment as she stepped inside and slipped off her shoes, placing them next to the door. It took a few seconds until she got a reply. 

"Welcome back" Haruhi walked out of her bedroom wearing the same shorts and t-shirt she was wearing this morning. Yuki lifted her head from her bags she had placed on the table and gasped loudly. Instead of her sister's long beautiful silky hair, she had now had very short and messy hair that with her large glasses and her outfit made her look like a guy. Yuki blinked at her sister rapidly waiting for her to explain what exactly happened between this morning and now. Haruhi noticed the look and sighed softly as she knew this was the reaction she would get from her twin. "One of the kids got gum in my hair and I didn't want to deal with it so I just cut it off" Haruhi shrugged like it wasn't a huge deal. 

"You didn't want to deal?! Haruhi you cut all your beautiful hair off!!" Yuki groaned as she was she looking at her sister with wide eyes. "If you just waited for me I could have gotten it out for you. You are always so rash with things" she huffed annoyed. "People are going to think you are a boy I mean if I didn't know you I'd probably think the same thing...maybe its because you are so flat chested.." Yuki mumbled to herself as she brought her hand to her chin and pretended that she was thinking even though she was just teasing her twin at this point. 

"I mean compared to you a lot of girls are flat chested" Haruhi huffed as she crossed her arms over her chest. Haruhi wasn't really wrong, Yuki had a C size chest while Haruhi hardly had A's. "Besides I don't care if people see me as a boy or not, It's what's inside that really matters, it doesn't matter what sex they think I am." 

"Haruhi! Your so grown up!" Yuki flew her arms around Haruhi's neck jokingly. The two siblings laughed for a while until Haruhi brought up how they should get their school bags ready for the morning. Yuki huffed but followed her sister anyways. 

'Tomorrow is a new beginning.'

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