The Ootori Estate

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Monday afternoon came around a lot faster then Yuki would have liked. After the kiss on stage at Lobelia, Yuki had gotten slammed with questions from the twins and her own twin. Unfortunately she couldn't really give any of them any real answers because she wasn't sure exactly what happened herself. Kyoya and herself have now kissed twice and she wasn't sure what it meant. Could it mean anything? Kyoya was very concerned about how his father saw him. So dating a commoner probably wouldn't be a good thing. The kisses probably meant nothing to Kyoya.

However they still made it completely awkward for Yuki. Especially moments like now when the two of them were alone. They were currently in a very nice car, on their way to Kyoya's home. Like he had said the day before, the two of them would be studying after school for the rest of the week at Kyoya's house. It was going to be torture, she just knew it. Yuki already had a hard enough time studying when she was clear minded. If Kyoya used the same method of slapping her hand with a ruler to make her pay attention then she was sure her knuckles were going to be black and blue by the end of the week.

Yuki's gaze landed on Kyoya who was sitting next to her in the back seat, writing away in his black book. By the time she built up the courage to lean over and try and read it, the car came to a stop. The driver wasted no time in getting out and opening the door for the pair of them.

"Thank you." Yuki smiled at the driver.

"Your welcome miss Fujioka" the driver smiled back at her. It was the same driver from the first time she came over. He had even greeted her by name when he picked them up at school. "Have a good day miss." He said before closing the door and going to the drivers side.

"I think your driver likes me more then you." Yuki teased as she skipped to walk next to Kyoya. "You know please and thank you goes a long way."

"We pay him to drive us. Not to be friendly." Kyoya responded as he fixed his glasses. Yuki let out a sound of annoyance which made Kyoya look down at her. "What?"

"He's a human being. Everyone deserves a little bit of kindness." Yuki smiled not looking up at him. Kyoya hummed as he thought about the statement. He pulled open the front door and held it open for Yuki. "See kindness.." Yuki blushed slightly before walking through the door.


After an hour of studying Yuki cried out in pain as Kyoya slapped her hand again with a ruler. Like she predicted, she was hopelessly distracted and Kyoya was as ruthless as he was during their first study session. She pulled her hand to her chest and pouted.

"Do you have to be so mean.." Yuki pouted as she shook her hand.

"Your scholarship is based off your musical and artistic talents but you need to keep all your grades up as well." Kyoya pushed up his glasses.

"Wait.." Yuki paused as a large grin came to her lips. "Are you worried I'll loss my scholarship and have to leave Ouran? You do care about me."

"Well if you leave it would take longer for Haruhi to pay off her debt and the twins would more then likely be upset which would end with losing customers." Kyoya said looking away from her.

"Come on admit it! You care about me!" Yuki pushed poking his shoulder. Kyoya grabbed her wrist and suddenly pulled her into his lap. Yuki squealed in surprise and a bright blush came to her face. The hand that wasn't being held by Kyoya was pressed against his chest to steady her and her face was very close to his. "Kyoya..?"

"You are so infuriating do you know that?" Kyoya glared down at her. Yuki's eyes widen in shock. She opened her mouth to say anything but was cut off by Kyoya pressing his lips against hers. Before she could kiss him back he pulled away. "Everything was fine until you showed up. I worked hard to get what I have, I didn't let anything get in my way. That was until you just had to walk though those doors. How did you break through?!" Kyoya's hold tightened a bit.

Yuki blinked as she just watched Kyoya during his rant. She wasn't exactly sure if she sure be offended by what he was saying or be happy. Technically he was admitting to having some sort of feelings for her. But in a strange backwards kind of way. How is she suppose to respond to that?

"Kyoya.." Yuki watched him for a moment as she tried to find the words. After a moment a smile came to her lips. As long as she knew him, he showed very little emotion. She only had seen him smile a hand full of times before and they were never full smiles. The anger was new but it was an emotion. She really was breaking through his walls. "If you didn't want me to break through them then why are you letting me?" She asked locking eyes with Kyoya. He seemed taken back by her statement and finally let go of her wrist. He dropped his head on to her shoulder. Suddenly his body started to shake and at first Yuki was worried he was crying. She reached up about to put her hand on his head when the sound of laughter left his lips.

"Your almost as bad as that damn blonde." Kyoya laughed out. Yuki blinked at the comment. Was he comparing her to Tamaki? It took a few minutes until Kyoya finally stopped laughing and pulled his head back so he was looking down at Yuki again. Even in his lap she was shorter then him. "You are going to cause so many problems."

"Then why bother?" Yuki questioned. She had been thinking it for a while. Seeing as they were letting everything out now, she figured she might as well ask.

"Because I can't get you out of my head. I can't focus on my work. Not since that night in Karuizawa." Kyoya reached up and pushed some of her hair behind her ear. Yuki blushed and looked down.

"What do you want to do? About this..?" Yuki asked as she gestured between them.

"We couldn't go public. With the host club and my father." Kyoya looked down at her. Yuki nodded as she understood. While Yuki was liked by the girls that came to visit the host club, learning she is dating one of the boys would put a target on her back. She also knew that his father wouldn't allow them to be together. "I want you to be mine."

Yuki didn't say anything. Instead she leaned forward and kissed him. The other kisses the two shared were all quick, nervous and unsure. This one was full of confidence and surprisingly sweet.

However a knock coming from Kyoya's bedroom door break the pair apart. Yuki quickly shifted back to her spot on the ground as the door shot open and in came Fuyumi.

"Kyoya why didn't you tell me that Yuki was going to..Yuki!!" Fuyumi squealed at the sight of the brunette. The older woman rushed over and hugged the girl on the floor. "I didn't know you were coming over! How exciting! I can talk to you about this!" The female Ootori grinned as she placed a magazine over the homework spread out on the table. Yuki glanced at it and blushed when she saw it was the 'Rising Artist' magazine that featured her article.

"Oh that is nothing." Yuki smiled sheepishly at Fuyumi. "I didn't know you read this magazine Fuyumi.."

"Oh yeah! I love reading about new talents." Fuyumi smiled brightly "it's a great photo of the host club."

"Thank you." Yuki smiled and looked down to hide her blush.

"What are you doing here again? Are you two finally dating!?" Fuyumi squealed excitedly.

"Ah.. Well" Yuki cleared her throat a bit as she stretched her cheek. "Kyoya is helping me with my math again." She explained.

"Really? Again?" Fuyumi asked surprised.

"Yeah I need a lot of help." Yuki smiled. "Kyoya is very helpful though. Hopefully after this week of studying I will be better."

"Your coming here all week?!" Fuyumi smiled brightly. It was clear that Yuki had weaseled her way into more then just one of the Ootori children. Yuki nodded only to get pulled into another hug by the older female.

"We have a lot of work to do Fuyumi." Kyoya finally spoke up after just watching the two interact.

"Right of course! I'll see you later Yuki!" Fuyumi stood and left the room.

"Your sister is really nice." Yuki smiled at Kyoya. "And I think she likes me."

"You seem to have that effect on people."

Haruhi's TwinOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora