A Challenge from Lobelia Girl's Academy

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Today was the exposition for the cultural clubs. Even though Yuki wasn't actually apart of any of the clubs she has to play the piano for the ouran choir because of her scholarship. Yuki didn't mind all that much but she did have a slight problem with crowds. The host club didn't even know she was playing and once Kyoya found out, she begged him not to tell any of the club members. Not that she didn't trust them or anything, she just didn't want them to see her play was all. Lucky the choir didn't go on until the second day of the expo but Yuki was still needed in practice all afternoon. She had to tell Kyoya she might be late for the club but promised to be there anyways. 

Once the final bell for the morning classes to finish, Yuki rushed out of class and to the choir room. Sure there was no huge hurry but she didn't want to get stopped by Hikaru and Kaoru. She knew they would ask questions on why she wasn't going to the music room. The brunette felt bad for not telling them but she wasn't ready for them to see her perform, sure practicing in the club room was one thing but actually being on stage was another story. The choir and Yuki practiced until the teacher thought they sounded perfect. The first year stood up and looked at her watch to see what time it was and noticed she was only a few minutes late for the host club.

"Hey Yuki!" two male second year choir students walked over to her. Yuki had joined them for practices before and knew a lot of the class already. She looked up and smiled at the two of them. 

"Hey what are you doing Akito, Hatsuo? " 

"There are still some schools performing" Akito told her. 

"We were wondering if you wanted to come with us to watch them?" Hatsuo asked. 

"I'd love to guys but I need to get to the host club" Yuki smiled at the pair sadly. Not that she was sad to go to the host club, but she was sad she couldn't go watch any of the schools perform. 

"Its a shame they haven't made you a hostess yet" Akito laughed. Yuki tilted her head looking up at him confused. 

"You are just so cute Yuki-chan, you would sure bring in a lot of guys into the club" Hatsuo explained more of Akito's thought. 

"Sure you guys" Yuki giggled as she grabbed her bag "Talk about it with Tamaki and Kyoya if you're that curious" she waved at the two of them before walking out of the choir room. 

Yuki walked down the long hall towards the part of the school where the music room was. As she walked she waved at a few students that walked by, she didn't know all of them but she always thought you could make a strangers day with a friendly smile. When Yuki finally made it in sight of the host club she noticed the doors open and a group of three people in costume were standing in front of the host club. She moved faster and walked into the room just as they shouted. 


"What the.." Yuki mumbled as she made her way around and noticed that the costumes belonged to three girls that she had never saw before. 'Maybe they are from one of the other schools?' she thought to herself as she walked over to join the club and took a spot in front of the twins. Just as they started laughing. 

"Oh man, what a stupid name! The Zuka club! My stomach hurts!" Hikaru laughed holding his stomach. 

"The Zuka club! That's priceless! And they had those get-ups on under their uniforms!" Kaoru laughed as well. The two twins were basically rolling on the floor at this point. Yuki ended up having to move in front of Kyoya and Mori as Tamaki fell in front of the twins. 

"You shouldn't underestimate the Zuka club!" Renge's voice called 'not again!' Yuki bit her lip to keep back a groan before turning to face Renge as she popped up. "I may not know much about instant coffee, but I'm fascinated with girls' schools." Renge took a drink from her cup and instantly spit it out hating the taste of instant coffee. "St. Lobelia Academy! It is truly a woman's world there. The Zuka club is a group of strong young maidens who consider woman to be superior in every way. The club prides itself on its 30 year history. It's a society of maidens, by maidens, for maidens. Zuka club activities include: Maiden tea parties, the maiden debate forum and most importantly musical reviews performed by the society's top members." Renge finally finished explaining the Zuka club. The host members had changed out of their knightly outfits and Yuki had taking her place next to Hikaru watching him play his game. Yuki looked away from the game and listened to the Zuka club again who had changed outfits. 

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