Kyoya's Reluctant Day Out!

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A soft yawn escaped Yuki's lips as she trailed behind her twin. In her opinion it was far to early to be going to the department store but apparently Haruhi didn't share that thought. Honestly she would have much rather stayed home and slept for a few more hours. However she did need to buy a few things because the new term started so Yuki forced herself to come with her sister. It was better then going alone later.

"Tell me why we had to go so early?" Yuki asked as another yawn left her lips. The pair walked through the set of automatic doors as Haruhi let out a soft huff.

"You didn't have to come with you know.." Haruhi commented.

"Yes I did." Yuki hummed as she absentmindedly played with the fabric of the pink skirt she was wearing. "I need some stuff for the new term and I didn't want to go alone.." She said with a small pout on her lips. "Besides you would be bored without me."

"I don't know about that." Haruhi whispered to herself before looking away from her sister. Her eyes then landed on a tall male the twins knew. "Kyoya-senpai? I didn't expect to see you here today."

As Haruhi pointed him out, Yuki's eyes traveled to one of the second year club members. Kyoya was indeed standing there. He looked to be reading the information sign that told people where everything is and he was all alone. The sight alone was enough to surprise Yuki. Kyoya would never come to a commoners department store alone so the only reasonable explanation was that the rest of the host club was here somewhere. However something else that Yuki realized brought a slight blush to her cheeks. This was the first time Yuki and Kyoya would be interacting with each other since they kissed. The memory of that night flashed in her mind unwillingly.

"Kyoya!" Yuki spoke before she could even think about what she was doing. She got to her feet and rushed over to the tall second year. He turned around just in time for her to grab his jacket he was wearing to pull him down to her height. Once he was at her level she kissed him.

It took a second for Kyoya to even respond to what was happening but soon he kissed her back. His hands reached up and then rested on her cheeks. Once he was kissing back, the kiss felt perfect to Yuki. It confirmed her feelings for Kyoya and that kind of scared her. Yuki was the one to pull away first. Her face was bright red as she realized what she had done.

"Ah..!" Yuki tried to find the right words to say but her mind went completely blank. Well not completely as the feeling of Kyoya's lips flashed in her mind again, causing her to shake her head quickly to try and stop thinking about it. "I'm sorry!" She finally squeaked out before running to the bed and hiding under the covers. For a moment the only sound in the room was her own rapid heart beat until the sound of retreating footsteps and the door opening then closing was heard.

After that the two of them never got any time alone to talk about what had happened. Although Yuki wasn't sure if she even wanted to talk about what had happened. She knew better then most how much Kyoya wanted to make his father proud and well dating a commoner wouldn't be on the list of things that made him proud. Even if he did return her feelings, which was already pretty unlikely, he wouldn't act on them. There would be nothing to gain from a relationship with her.

"Yuki!" The sound of Harubi's voice and the snapping of fingers brought Yuki back from her thoughts. She blinked a few times before focusing her vision on her twin. "You are going with Kyoya-senpai while I do our shopping."

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