A kingdom for a heart

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It wasn't his best painting but he hadn't placed much will behind it either, with an indifferent set of brushes he finished the last touches and added a little darker shade of red to her hair, it was around that time that she finally woke from her slumber on his sofa.

She came near him still pushing the loose blouse over her head, the ivory shoulder was exposed as the blouse naturally fell to the side and she tried her best to give him a flirty smile. "I overslept, I think that it means that you left me exhausted last night."

"The sex is average but tolerable." he simply said.

Genevieve tried to keep her smile untarnished and focused on the painting. "You did this for me? I look so beautiful..." she faced him now. "I'm so touched Nik by the sweet gesture."

He pulled away the second she reached out to stroke his cheek and went to clean his hands. "It's yours if you want to take it home..." he dropped the cloth with a sneaky smirk. "But first do something for me."

"Your exact words from last night." she finally lost the smile.

His shamelessly grew. "I need a witch Genevieve, you were the one who wanted to moan my name. I am one to deliver when I'm bored and without any other options."

She pushed her shirt up like she no longer wanted to expose a single inch of her skin to him or maybe just to regain some of the pride that she was lacking. "Fool yourself as much as you wish Nik but I know that you like me."

"I'll send for you when I need your exquisite services again." he coldly said.

She had one long breath composing herself and determinedly stopped him as he tried to walk out of the studio. "Reconsider your words... wisely." she viciously added as she cupped his face.

Klaus blinked with slowness, like he was struggling with something and her expression changed sternly, after a few seconds, he smiled at her with no recollection of what he just said before.

"Good morning Nik." she sweetly said.

"Elijah seems to be tearing down the house..." he sounded still somewhat confused.

"We will check on it in a bit." she leaned in for a kiss that he avoided by walking over to the painting.

"Have you seen what I've done for you? "

Genevieve sighed. "Yes, it's very beautiful." she forced a smile merely because he was smiling.

But she lost the smile entirely when he turned his back on her and headed for the staircase.

"You are waking up the dead with all this noise." Klaus said with a smile as soon as he saw his older brother, however Elijah did not receive him as warmly as he expected.

"Hayley will not be living in the Bayou for much longer, I will bring her home but not without changing a few things around her."

Klaus halted on the stairs with the clear sense that he was missing a few facts and that Elijah was crossing that last part of the sentence strictly implying other changes around here. "Where is Rebekah?" he asked with a squint, the mention of the peasant took him straight to royalty reference.

Elijah was patronizing as he loudly sighed. "Again with the same Niklaus? You need to ease on the Bourbon... our sister has been gone for months now, you need to move on from that... remember how you have set her free after almost trying to kill her? Good thing that idiotic trial turned out positive and that she is now living her life for once and away from here."

Klaus shook his head, something was not right, he looked at the hand touching his arm.

"Let Elijah deal with the workers, we should stay out of his busy way besides it's a beautiful day and we can have a little fun on our own." Genevieve smiled and pulled Klaus' arm, urging him to follow her.

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