Do you feel me?

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Chapter 7: Do you feel me?

New Orleans

He could tell that all the boys at the party were human, some couldn't be more than 18 and they all seemed to be having the time of their lives with the sexy girls dressed in all black melted against them and kindly stroking places that made them happy but Klaus smiled eerily, the girls were the ones having all the control and therefore all the fun.

The party was very loud and he dodged a few bones scattered on the ground, obviously these witches took the term dark very serious.

Klaus was really intrigued by a group sitting on the grass with their legs crossed over their laps, they were forming a circle and had their eyes closed, they chanted strange words and when they all opened their eyes, he saw nothing but white eyes and a blue fire that started in the middle of them.

The fire was held above the ground and grew bigger as the chanting increased but he forced himself to leave the interesting group behind because he was here for another reason.

Klaus reached the stairs of the big manor and looked behind to the huge property where the witches were having a wild party filled with music, black magic and alcohol.

As he made way inside he expected more of the same but found the house strangely quiet.

A girl wearing black like all the others stood up from the sofa and smiled at Klaus. "Are you looking for Leah?"

Klaus nodded and glanced towards the sofa where he caught a Samurai sword that the girl was cleaning.

He followed her down a hallway wondering what he was going to find next but the noises that he captured as they walked down the wide corridor left him with no doubt of what was happening behind closed doors and he smirked because it was refreshing to find a group of strong women that weren't apologetic about their needs.

The tall girl knocked on a door and smiled at Klaus, she held back a smirk when a series of loud consecutive thuds echoed from inside of one of the rooms.

"Perhaps a spell to isolate the noise..." Klaus whispered amused.

"I will tell them that." She smirked as tiny muffled screams were added to the thuds.

The door behind her opened and Leah covered herself with a buttoned up tight shirt that she pulled closer to her body. "What?" she asked visibly upset to be interrupted.

"Should I have scheduled a meeting?" Klaus asked tilting his head to have a better look at the witch.

She sighed resting a hand on the door, the shirt flew open and Klaus caught traces of a big tattoo on the girl's body, he could swear that she had a dragon and that it went all the way around to her back.

"Give me a minute Klaus." she said and looked at the other girl. "You can go Kim."

The tall girl smiled and left, Klaus made an educated guess that the girl with oriental traces had a connection to the Japanese mafia and a few loose pieces started to make sense to him.

Leah disappeared into her room and a few seconds later another really attractive girl came out, she had short blonde hair and green eyes and she walked down the hallway fixing her short dress.

Klaus looked back at the door where Leah was, as he did so she moved her hand to invite him inside of a big bedroom with nothing but a closet and a big bed.

He looked at the girl closing up her shirt and Jeans and then sitting on the messy bed to get into her black boots.

"Is my sexuality a problem Klaus?" she asked him bluntly.

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