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The man sighs as we walk into the room. His messy blonde hair hangs low over his eyes and he laboriously takes his feet off his desk and stands. "What do you want now? I told you then, and I'll tell you again now, I don't keep a record of my fucking customers"

He's a scruffy sort with a sharp tongue and strange life. But, what can you expect from a man named Crow?

I have a seat in the plush chair across from him and settle back. There's a scuffle in the next room over, a girl yelps and a door slams. "That girl still hasn't shown up?" I ask him.

He shrugs "Look, I come in when I can. Liam keeps this place afloat, I just hold the lease" He pulls on a jacket and slips his phone into his back pocket. "If my wife finds out you were here again she'll fucking kill me. You've made it onto her hit list"

He's brave I'll give him that. That bravery got him shot last time I was here. I still don't know how he's still breathing.

"Now fuck off" he shoos us away and then his phone rings. "Seriously! Get to fuck!"

I roll my eyes and walk out, Artie close behind. "He's such an arse" he mutters and I stifle a laugh. "I bet his real names something prim and proper. Charles, or Harold. Something like that"

I shrug "I can't find anything on him apart from a marriage certificate to a woman named Thea and a birth certificate for their son Wes. Both signed Crow Morningstar"

"That can't be his real name can it?" He sighs and we head out into the cold. Our car is just ahead when I hear a crash.

I turn and see a girl. She's running towards us, not seeing us though. Then she falls and I spot the man behind her. It's him.

A voice screams in my head. It's not real but I act on it anyway. One hand clamps over her mouth and the other yanks her into the car with me.

Fucking Katie, getting me into bother from beyond the grave.

"Hey little girl" Artie says covering up the confusion in his voice with a big smile.

"Who the fuck are you?" She screams and he jumps. God she acts like Katie too.


I watch her leave my office and let out the breath I've been holding for the past few seconds. This is either one of the best ideas I've ever had, or the worst.

I open my laptop and search for the file about Katie. Sean's face fills my screen and I stare at the back of the head beside him. Nearly two years later and I still haven't found out who it is.

My door opens and my father walks in. "Father" I acknowledge him but don't look up from my screen.

"In a good mood are we?" He asks with a smile. "That's the first time you've called me father in a month"

I sigh "You've ruined it now Elijah" I mutter and close my laptop.

He sighs and sits down in front of me "Why do you hate me so much?"

I shake my head "If I hated you, you would have been dead a long time ago" He smiles at this "Why are you in here?" I snarl.

Our relationship is complicated. He wasn't the best father growing up. Mum hated him, she only kept him alive because I loved him. I was young and naive then, I believed him when he told me that he was sorry, that he would never do it again.

I'm smarter now. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer. I may not hate the man in front of me, but it wasn't love I felt towards him. He's useful so I therefore tolerate him. Many of my men favour him to me and as long as he is around, they remain loyal.

He cracks his knuckles "I wanted to know what you're next move is against the Italians"

I frown at him "There isn't a problem with the Italians. Alexander is in Italy just now confirming that, but as far as we know, they're staying out of our shit"

He rests his elbows on my desk and leans towards me "Then why are you so stressed?"

I sigh and rub my face "Katie's killer may be dead but he wasn't working alone. I have a way in to their operation I think"

"You should come with me tonight" he suggests sitting back again "You'll enjoy it"

The fucking rings. I've hated them ever since Katie told me what they were like. She refused to talk me who brought her there but knowing that it's girls like her that are there makes my skin crawl.

"Unless you've already found company for tonight?" He chuckles and it takes me a second to realise that he's talking about Bella.

I frown "She's my way in" I tell him "Nothing more. As soon as I've got what I need from her she'll be gone again"

He gets to his feet and walks towards the door. "Shame" he says looking back "I could get used to seeing her face around this house"


This is a shorter one but I might do some more of Viktor's POV.

If I did, is there any scenes in particular you would like to see from his perspective?

Also, is there any other characters that want to see more of? Who's your favourite and why?

Until next time I guess...

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