Twenty Nine

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Bella's POV

I climb in the car and start grinning. Ever since I found out I was going on holiday I couldn't calm myself down. I was talking so much, Artie locked me in the living room alone so they wouldn't have to put up with it.

I fell asleep on the couch and when I woke up this morning, I was in my own bed.

Artie and Alexander took all the bags in a second car while Oliver, Viktor, Katerina and I went in the first one.

Viktor sits on his phone, completely ignoring his wife for the first half an hour of the journey at least.

We stop at traffic light and I look out the window to see three familiar faces walking into a bank. "Look! It's Chris, Kat and Georgie!" I say excitedly.

Viktor looks out the front window "What's the hold up?" He asks the driver.

The driver shrugs "I think there's road works up ahead sir"

I'm still watching the bank as a van pulls up outside. The door opens and four masked men run out it and into the bank. "They're robbing it" I whisper.

"Let me out the car!" I shout. Oliver shakes his head.

"The second you get out this car, you'll be in handcuffs" he says.

I glare at him "You think I give a shit? There's a bank robbery happening and there's three people in there that I care about" He shrugs "Let me out the fucking car!" I nearly scream.

He shakes his head again "We'll miss the flight"

I jump across him "Leave me here then" I say and pull at the door handle. He grabs my arm and I glare at him "Touch me again and I'll slice your hand off"

He pulls me back into my seat and I growl as I go for the door again. He grabs me again and I punch him in the face. He lunges at me and pins me down to the seat.

"Oliver!" Viktor shouts. "Get off her" Oliver sits up straight again and straightens his suit out. Viktor looks over at me "You have ten minutes. Take this" He hands me a knife from the glove compartment in the door.

I smile at him and climb out the car. I keep my head down as I run into the bank and hear the robbers shouting. I adjust the knife in my hands as I walk in. My outfit wasn't exactly practical. I'm wearing skinny jeans and a blouse.

The bank is quite small and I can see about ten people on the floor and I was right before. Four robbers.

I walk in casually and the first person to see me is Chris. He actually lets out a groan. This alerts the robber holding him at gunpoint.

He turns to me "On the ground. Valuables on the floor in front of you" he says.

I just laugh. His gun is shaking. He's scared. I smile "Don't be scared. Just put the money down and leave like civilised people. Trust me, I don't want the police here anymore than you do"

"Shit. It's that bitch off the news. The one who killed like fifty people or some shit" one of the other robbers says.

"It was actually closer to seventy before. Roughly" I shrug. I look around at the men. "I don't mind adding a few more though"

"What are you doing here Bella? Why are you here?" Kat asks. Look who grew a pair when I was away. She seems like she doesn't even know there's a gun pointed at her head.

I frown "Would you rather I let them kill everyone in the room? I have a conscience to look after"

She snorts "You don't have a conscience"

I look out of the door "What I do have is a plane to catch. I have about four minutes to you all get a minute each" I smile at the robbers. "I doubt I'll need that long though"

I can sense one of the robbers getting brave and points a gun at my head. "Go on then. Shoot" I say without looking at him. "I dare you"

He hesitates.

Wrong move.

I spin and launch the knife. It hits its intended target and lodges itself in his chest. Shit, I was good.

I was also disarmed. Double shit.

I ran over to the man bleeding out and barely avoided the bullet coming in my direction. I pulled the blade from his chest and could here a car horn outside. I thought I had longer.

I swipe the blade across another man's chest and grab his gun from his hand before kicking him as hard as I can against the wall. The other two men are dead before they can retaliate. I drop the gun and look down at myself. I didn't get any blood on my clothes.

Thank God.

I walk over to my friends and hold out a hand to them "I guess this is goodbye" I say.

Chris stands and sighs "You should know this before you go. Everyone was arrested yesterday. Rob, Angelica, Rose, Gus, Isaac. All of them. They found out about the people they killed. They're looking at life behind bars"

I frown "Why?"

"After your little stunt at the school, they started going back over what went on during the eighteen months after we left. Over 100 deaths. And that's just an estimate on the evidence. How many was there really?" He explains.

I frown "It doesn't matter. What are you saying. Is it my fault?"

Kat sighs "Again Bella, you've managed to fuck things up for everyone else and get away fine"

I glare at her "Fine? Really? You don't have a fucking clue"

"Just go Bella. Unless you want to join them" Georgie pipes up. I hear the car horn again and I nod.

"Bye" I say sadly and walk out towards the car. I get in before anyone realises what happened and bite my lip as soon as I sit down.

"Is everyone okay now?" Oliver asks. He's obviously still pissed off but is trying not to show it.

I shake my head "I fucked up. Again"

Viktor frowns "You just saved people's lives. I can't see how that can be called a fuck up"

"It's not about the fucking bank Viktor!" I snap. "I killed someone in the middle of school and everyone else managed to get hurt because of it. Both of Matthew's parents are behind bars because of me!"

Viktor takes my hand "They killed people. You didn't force them to do it. They got caught, you didn't. Poor them but you can't blame yourself for that"

I shake off his affectionate hold on my hand and lean back in the car. "They were finally going to have a normal life" I say quietly. "And I messed it up"

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