Thirty Two

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I roll over in my bed and feel something beside me. Or should I say someone.

"Viktor?" I say in a sleepy voice. He grunts and jerks up.

"Wha- where am I?" He asks.

I laugh and pull the blanket off me "In my bed. Is there an explanation as to why?"

He frowns before letting out a load groan. "Isso não deveria acontecer" he says quietly. "What do you want for breakfast?"

I start to laugh "I want to know why you were in my room that's all"

He climbs out of the bed and starts to walk towards the door "I'm sure Oliver has made something edible. It won't be like Lisa's cooking but-"

"Viktor" I say. "I'll ask again. Why were you in my room"

He turns and glares at me "I was watching you sleep and fell asleep myself! Happy now?" I start to laugh at the absurdity of the situation. "You look so innocent when you sleep" he shrugs.

I stare at him "Are you being serious?"

"Breakfast?" He says. Oh my God. He was embarrassed. I have managed to embarrass the shameless Viktor Guerreiro.

"That would be cute. You know, if your wife wasn't in the room next door" I say with a smirk.


"I'm divorcing him" She says.

"Wait. What?" I blurt out and spit milk all over the counter. Holy shit. I just did I spit take. I didn't even think they were real.

Katerina nods "He doesn't love me and I don't love him. I'm actually heading home tonight"

I nod not really sure how to respond. "Congrats?" I shrug.

She finally laughs "You're terrible at this"

I nod "That, we can agree on" she laughs again.

"Good luck Bella. Have fun with my husband" My eyes widen at her comment and she laughs harder. She really does have a beautiful laugh.

I watch her walk out and I see her bags already packed and by the door. Viktor comes to stand beside me "That sounds like good news" he says and I can tell he's smirking.

I turn around to him and wrap my hands around his neck "It also sounds like we can be together. That is, if you want to?" I say slightly nervously.

What if he said no? What if I just fucked up my one chance for a good life? I should have kept my mouth shut. There's a reason why the man asked the woman to be his girlfriend and not the other way about.

He chuckles "Of course I want to princesa" and he leans down and kisses me.


3 years later...

Katerina kept her promise. Within a few months, they were divorced and I could finally have him all to myself. We aren't the most traditional couple but we had eachother and that was enough.

He takes my hand and leads me out of the house. "Where are we going?" I ask.

He turns to look at me "Say it in Portugeuse"

He had also kept his promise and no was teaching me his language. I wasn't great but I could say basic phrases.

"Onde estamos indo?" I say slowly and overpronounce every syllable to try and get it right. He nods and grins. My heart lights up. Not only had I gotten it right but I had pleased him by doing so.

"Em algum lugar especial" he says. I raise an eyebrow.

"I'm good but I'm not that good" I laugh.

He chuckles "Just shut up and follow me"

Viktor's POV

This was either going to be the best decision of my life or the worst. We finally reached our destination. A massive Loch just behind the house. Bella would talk about going down to it constantly so I thought here would be the best place to do it.

I turn to her. Was this a good idea? I was certain about it, but she was more complicated. She was strong, I'll give her that, but she was sensitive. Especially now and I'm afraid what I'm about to do will stir up some old memories in her head.

She frowns at me and I step towards her. My hand goes to her rounded stomach and she smiles. I was going to be a dad very shortly.

When we found out about the baby we panicked. She was still only nineteen and a wanted criminal. I wasn't sure I wanted a child involved in my lifestyle but getting rid of it wasn't even an option.

"The other day" she says, looking out onto the Loch. "I was thinking. I'm so glad I don't have to share you anymore"

I laugh "Well not for long. The little one will be here soon and then we'll have to share eachother with him"

She shakes her head "It's going to be a girl. We need some more femininity in the house"

Reagan had left to get married, Lisa and Bella were the only girls in the house. Oliver moved out to be with Trista after they married.

I laugh "I thought I should do this before he gets here"

She folds her arms over her stomach and raises an eyebrow. "She" she corrects me.

I reach into my pocket and feel the little velvet box. I pull it out and she sees it straight away. She freezes up as I get down on one knee.

This was a bad idea. After Freddie and Elijah, she can't do this again. I shouldn't have done this. I could have shown I love her in a different way.

Too late now though.

"Bella Eden. Will you marry me?" I ask.

She's still frozen. I see her gulp and then tears spring to her eyes. "Yes!" She screams.

I jump up and she jumps for me. I slide the ring on her finger and she takes a second to admire the diamond.

She smiles up at me. This is perfect. Nothing can interrupt us and we could have this moment of tranquility before all hell breaks loose.

Her expression changes. "Uhm. Viktor?" She says. I frown and take her hands "I think my water's just broke"

And our moment was over.

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