Thirty One

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It's nice not being in snow for a while. What's even nicer is swimming in the warm water of a pool outside a massive mansion of a villa. You don't have to be a gold digger to appreciate a man's money.

I duck my head under and let it completely engulf me. I swim a few stroked before coming up for air. As I open my eyes, I'm greeted by a face at the edge of the pool. I let out a scream and fall beneath the water for only a second but somehow manage to swallow half of the water in the pool.

I grab onto the edge and push myself up before coughing and spluttering. "Don't do that Katerina" I gasp.

She seems upset about something but completely oblivious to the fact that I nearly died. "I need advice. You're the only girl here"

I sit up now and feel the sun already drying me off. "I'm not sure how good my advice will be but I can try"

She frowns at me "You've been married before. What did it feel like"

I stare at her "I wasn't really married. It was all fake"

She shrugs "But what was it like?"

I roll my eyes "Complete and utter hell. I scratched up his car and ended up killing someone"

She gulps "I expected to feel happy. But I don't. I think he hates me"

I didn't know what to say. I don't know if he hated her but she certainly wasn't his favourite person as your wife should be. What do you say to a confused girl.

"How old are you?" What the fuck! Why did I ask that?

She looks at me confused "28" she says. Shit. Didn't expect that. No wonder her father wanted to marry her off. "I loved someone. Father shot him and he ran away. Couldn't handle our life"

I nod "I shot my boyfriend once. He fucking deserved it though"

Her frown deepens. "Ok..."

I start to laugh "I'm going inside. I want to know what I'm doing here"

I stand up and walk away from her and into the house. I see Viktor immediately at the island in the kitchen. He's on his laptop and has a pair of glasses on. "You wear glasses?" I ask.

He frowns and pulls them from his nose. "I'm meant to wear them but I don't" he says.

I stand behind him and look over his shoulder at the image of a young man. He's about 20 and has red hair. He reminds me of Freddie slightly.

He shrugs me off "You're getting my suit wet" he says.

I raise an eyebrow "It's hotter than hell outside and you're wearing a suit" He shrugs again. I see Katerina coming back in and I lean down next to his ear "Your wife thinks you hate her"

He turns around to me "There was no point lying to her"

I gasp and hit his shoulder "You're a bad man Viktor"

Katerina walks in and smiles at him. "Hey" she says.

He grunts in response and she walks out. "I think I upset her" he says watching her go.

I start to laugh. "So who is he?" I say pointing at the screen.

"Benjamin Rehn. He did some business with my father a few years back. He never kept up his end of the deal and ran off for a permanent vacation here" He smiles at me "I got you a job at his regular bar"

I scowl "Does that make me bait?"

He starts to laugh "Call it what you want. You start tonight, Alexander left your outfit on your bed"

I roll my eyes and walk away.


Bait. Fucking bait. I clean the same glass for the fourth time as I finally see Benjamin arrive. He sits on one of the stools and I walk over. "What can I get you?" I ask.

He grins "Bourbon" he says.

I nod with a smile and pour his drink. I put it down in front of him. "So, what are you doing here alone?" I ask.

He laughs "Why? Do you wish to accompany me?"

"As appealing as it sounds, I have a job to do" I smile. Where was Viktor? I couldn't keep up this charade.

"I do have a break to take though. I might seem a bit forward but there's a room at the back we could have some privacy?" I say.

His eyes light up at that. Got him.

He practically runs to the room I mentioned and I walk in behind him and close the door behind me.

"You were going to kill him yourself weren't you?" A voice says and Artie steps out from the shadows.

I fold my arms "You guys were taking too long" I shrug and he chuckles.

"Do you want to do it then?" He asks and I see a knife glinting in the low light.

"Wait. What the fuck is going on?" Benjamin asks.

I forgot he was even in here. "You're about to die" I say with no emotion in my voice. "What did he do?"

I take the knife from Artie's hand and turns to the other red head. "Sold kids. Turns out he was working with Sean as well"

Benjamin frowns at me "I remember you now! Last time I saw you, you were sobbing and no one could shut you up. Look at you now"

I don't remember him. Part of me knows that I probably don't want to. "He was one of the men that took you" Artie adds.

That's why I don't remember him. I don't remember faces from that day. I just remember being utterly terrified.

I glare at him. "You helped ruin my life. It only seems fair that I get to end yours"

And then I took my sweet time and dragged out his death for as long as I could.

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