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Tonight we relax. Viktor is not in the mood to teach me something so we sat on the couch to watch a movie.

Artie and Alexander come in to join us and my face goes bright red at the sight of Alexander.

"Hey" he smiles.

I smile "Hey. Sorry about that night. I wasn't really myself"

He studies my face for a second "You good? You seemed pretty upset earlier" He sits down beside me and I sigh.

"The last few weeks just got to me. That's all" I say.

He links his arm in mine and doesn't ask further. I struggle to get comfortable between the two men and eventually end up leaning with my head on Viktor's shoulder. He doesn't say anything and we continue to watch the movie in silence.

It was Finding Nemo. My favourite movie from when I was younger. Nobody objected when I put it on and no one asked why Viktor had it at all.

At one point during the film I feel Viktor link his fingers with mine and I smile softly.

I get shaken awake before I even realise I'm sleeping. "Princesa. It's time to take you back. Will you be okay?"

I nod sleepily "I'll be good. Will I see you tomorrow"

"Sure. I have to tell you something" He smiles but it's clearly fake.

I don't question it and allow him to pull me off the couch and take me out it the car where I finally manage to fully wake up.

No one's in the car with me this time and the journey is awkwardly silent. When we reach the bar I can see Rose waiting outside. She looks terrified.

I jump out of the car before it's came to a full stop and rush over to her "What's wrong?"

She looks up at me. "I killed him. I killed Teddy"

Teddy was Sean's younger brother. He was every bit as repulsive as his brother and Sean protected him like crazy. I'm shocked that Rose managed to get near him never mind kill him.

"It was an accident. He wasn't meant to die" She's about to start crying and I look at her. She's the strongest person I've ever met. She looks after us all and without her we'll be toast.

"It's going to be okay. You'll be fine" I say and then the door swings open. I see Sean standing there and he's furious "Which one of you killed my brother!" He roars.

I take one look at Rose and the words are out my mouth before I can stop them. "I did"



Something was wrong. Tonight, I'd came to pick up Bella but she didn't come. I sat for nearly an hour before I realised that she wasn't coming and went home.

I stare at the file in my desk. The file that started all of this. Sean's plans for those kids. I force myself to scan through it again and fully understand what he's going to do as soon as that baby's born.

She has to know. I don't know why I can't bring myself to tell her. She's just been through so much shit lately and I can't put this on her as well.

"Fuck!" I roar and throw the file at the wall. Paper floats down to the floor and I hear my door open. I look up to see Alexander come in. "Did you find her?"

He shakes his head "The others came out of the bar and are on their way back to that house. She wasn't with them" He walks forward and sits down on the chair "Maybe she's ill it something. She might just be staying with Angelica. Don't jump to conclusions"

I glare at him "Teddy's dead" he says. "My guess is that one if them did it. Rose seemed pretty shaken up when I saw her. Maybe she did it?"

I shake my head "She wouldn't be out if he knew she had"

Alexander shrugs "So he doesn't know who did it. Maybe that's a good thing"

"He wouldn't just step back until he found out who did it. He's not like that. He would blame anyone before giving up" I say.

Alexander leans forward "What did she say yesterday? When she started to freak out. Why was she so upset?"

I reluctantly start to tell him. I leave out the kiss but everything else is included. He sits back and grins. "I know what happened" he says.

I scowl "How?"

"Say it was you in Bella's shoes. I killed Teddy and everything's falling apart. You feel like it's your fault. What do you do?" He says.

I frown and think for a second "I'd take the fall for you" as soon as the words leave my mouth everything starts to come together "You fucking genius" I breathe out.

"Question is. What happened to her? Do you think he killed her?" He says. Even though we hadn't known her for long we'd all grown attached to her. Nossa princesa.

I shake my head "She's too valuable to him at the moment. I bet she's locked up somewhere in that house" I let out a breath "And I don't think he's going to let her out"

"We can't go get her. It's too risky right now. We need more information about what's in that house" Alexander explains.

I close my eyes and run my hands through my hair "Keep an eye on them. In case she does get let back out. Notify me on anything, no matter how insignificant it may appear"

He nods "Yes sir" he walks out and closes the door behind him. I spin my chair and look out the window.

"Em que você se meteu agora, princesa?" I whisper.

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