Thirty Three

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3 years later...

"Rya! Come here!" I shout as I watch my three year old dart through the legs of our wedding guests. I was right about the gender.

I straighten up. "Where are you?" I whisper to myself.

"Lost her again have you?" Alexander says behind me. I pick up my massive skirt and spin around to see him. "You look like you're having some trouble. Go change into the other dress, I'll go find the little shit" I hit him over the back of the head as I walk away.

I run up the stairs and into our room.

Three years of pure bliss. Well, it's been mostly bliss. We've had our fair share of arguments but only a small fraction turned violent. Usually me throwing something at him or him trying to hold me down.

Rya was an absolute gem and stole everyone's hearts the second she opened her beautiful eyes. Now she was God knows where and definitely getting into trouble.

The dress I change into is a plain short one. Viktor spoils me so I have two wedding dresses. I pull out the braided bun on my head and let the braid unroll until it rests on my shoulder. It doesn't look too bad so I leave it at that and walk back out so see Rya charge into my legs.

I nearly topple as I reach to pick her up. When she stops wriggling I manage to get her on my hip and we go downstairs. I catch a sight of my lovely husband and I grab his sleeve. He turns and his face lights up with a massive smile. "You look beautiful. Both of my girls are perfect"

Rya giggles and I shake my head "Yes well take your daughter. I need a drink"

"Mummy taught me a new word daddy" she says and I turn to her.

"That was our secret sweetie" I say warningly.

Viktor raises an eyebrow "What was it?"

"Shit!" She shouts. I try to hold in a laugh as he glares at me.

"Why would you teach her that?" He asks. He looks mad. Oh shit.

I bite my lip "It was an accident. I dropped a cup"

He takes a breath "Is that why there was glass everywhere?" I nod and he lets out a laugh. "What am I going to do with you?"

I smile widely "Keep hiding me here?" I suggest.

He wraps his spare arm around me. "Maybe I should release you to the police. You could see your friends again?"

I shake my head "Don't even joke about shit like that"

"Language princesa" he scolds.

I fold my arms "Who's the child here"

"Obviously you" he says.

"Guys. Wait until tomorrow to tear eachother throats out please" Artie says with a laugh.

"Uncle Artie!" Rya shouts and makes grabby hands towards him. He pulls her from Viktor's grip. "I'm tired"

"It's really late for you. Let's get you into bed" he says and they walk away.

I raise an eyebrow at Viktor "You wouldn't think he was a killer would you?"

He smiles at me and pulls me closer towards him. "You wouldn't believe that about you either"

"I love you" I say and smile up at him.

He grins "I love you too princesa" His arm goes around my waist and he spins me around.

If I was a Disney movie, this man was my happy ending.

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