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Two weeks. Two weeks of as close to normal that I'll ever experience. The police never pressed charges on us for carrying weapons and Eddie's death was ruled out as self defense.

Sean's house was found but everything had been cleared and it looked like no one had been there in weeks.

I have been given a policeman bodyguard just in case Sean decided to show up. Phil was nice enough but it was annoying having to be watched every second.

He only left me alone when I was in a private place such as at home, someone's house, school etc.

I throw the phone in my hand at the wall. It smashes and Isaac sighs. "That's your third phone in two weeks" he states.

"No shit, Sherlock" I hiss. "How come he can bring me a new phone but not give me his fucking number?"

Viktor's phone number was disconnected and I haven't heard from him since Eddie died. Every time I broke a phone, a new one would appear on my doorstep addressed to 'Princesa'.

The snow came. Isaac and I are currently snowed into his house with his St Bernard, Pablo, who was now asleep on my legs.

"I'm going back to school tomorrow" I say.

He looks down from where he sits on the couch to where I sit on the floor. "You sure that's a good idea?"

I shrug "I thought it would be nice to get into a routine again. And not one that involved getting drunk and stealing"

He taps away on his laptop "Sure. My mum says I can stay off for another week. You coming to the party tomorrow?"

I smile. Rose has planned a massive welcome home party for us all. Well, everyone but Freddie. He was still an asshole.

"Yeah!" I say excitedly "I want to finally meet little Matthew"

Angie had a boy. Matthew Elliott Stone. He got Rob's last name and if I got told the right story, that stirred up a whole load of trouble in Angie's household.

Isaac chuckles "And maybe you'll finally get over Viktor"

I haven't told him about the kiss. It just never came up in conversation. "He's the reason that we're sitting here right now" I frown.

"Is he Jack Frost now?" He asks gesturing to the snow trapping us inside.

I fold my arms and turn away from him. "I'm going home. See you tomorrow night"

I push Pablo from my lap and stand up. I shrug on the massive winter jacket and slip into my snow boots "I'm sorry!" He calls out as I slam the door behind me and brace myself for the cold.

The cold air bites at my skin and I pull the jacket tighter to my body. I should wait for Phil to take me home but I'm mad at Isaac and not even the freeze can cool me down.

I reach my house and shake off the snow. My mum stands from the couch "Where's Phil?"

I shrug "I walked home alone" I say.

She shakes her head "Please. For the sake of my sanity. Walk home with him. I know you can look after yourself but please"

I nod. She's been through a lot and I can't help but feel slightly guilty. "I just forgot. I'll tell him next time"

"Do you have everything for school?" She asks me. I nod and she smiles "Your friend sent another parcel"

I sigh "What this time?" I say.

She hands me a small package wrapped in brown paper and I unwrap it. In my hand sits a silver bracelet. It's completely perfect in every aspect.

I grin "Are you going to tell me who they're from yet?" She asks.

I laugh. They're from mafia boss Viktor Guerreiro. A man I watched order the death of another.

"Nope" I laugh and run up the stairs. I jump into my old bed and sink into the pillow. I play with the bracelet before laying it on the bedside table and pulling the blankets over me to shield myself from the cold.


"This is a bad idea" I say.

"It was yours" Chris chuckles "It's a bit strange at first but you'll get used to it"

I raise an eyebrow at him. We had just left Phil at the school office and Chris was walking me to class. I pull on the black skirt I was forced to wear as part of the uniform and try to fix my white shirt and my tie.

I pull my hair to cover my scar on my neck. It's the biggest visible one and I really don't want to explain how I got it. Not to anyone I'll be seeing today.

"How did you end up here? You didn't go to this school before" I say.

He shrugs "We were told it would be best for us to stay together after our traumatic experience of watching our friends die"

I stare at him "One that didn't happen"

He sighs "I don't know what else to say. He told us that if we said you were all dead then he'd keep you alive and let us go. When Freddie came back and told everyone that he had been the only one left I believed him. Last time I seen him he was head over heels for you. He wouldn't have abandoned you like we had"

I look down at the ground "Not anymore. He told everyone that and that was his idea. No one told him to do that"

He sighs and takes my hand in his "We're here"

I put a smile on my face as we walk in. There's so many familiar faces in the room and I feel my breath catch in my throat. Silence falls on the room and I take my seat silently. I had never felt awkward recently but right now I did.

I felt out of place. Before, everyone I met was a con artist, killer, thief etc. No one was innocent. But here, here the biggest crime committed is streaming movies illegally.

Chatter builds back up and I can't shake the feeling that the whispers are about me.

"Bella?" I hear a small voice say. I turn and see my old best friend, Georgie.

I grin "Georgie?"

She squeals and launches her self at me. "Holy shit! You're actually here!" She whisper-shouts.

I laugh "It's me. In the flesh"

Her hand goes to my cheek and she pushes back my hair to see the marks on my forehead from the crash. "You're having a party tonight" she says changing the subject.

I nod "Are you coming?"

She grins "Of course! Tell me. Any boyfriends I should know about? I heard about Freddie. You know he's alive right?"

I start to laugh "Yes. I know he's alive and no. He's not my boyfriend, not anymore"

"I want details" She says excitedly.

My face drops "Yeah. I'm not sure I can give you that"

She frowns "Why?"

"Because they might arrest me?" I whisper "I kind of shot him"

"You crazy bitch!" She laughs "Did he deserve it?"

"Fuck yes!" I laugh. She wasn't scared of me. Thank God or whoever was obviously taking care of me lately.

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