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Once I calmed down, Viktor tries to talk to me again. I stare at him from across the bed and he sighs. "I'm not good at this. I'm not used to worrying about feelings and emotions. Please open up to me Bella. Or tell me who you will open up to"

I look at my hands "They're back" I say.

He frowns and moves closer to me. "Who are?"

I shake my head "Not who. What" I run my hands through my dirty hair. "The screams. I'd managed to learn to live with them but they're louder now. I can't ignore them"

"Then don't. Embrace them. They make you who you are. They make up your past and will influence your future but you are in control of them. You can control whether they rule over you or not" He takes my hands and slowly rubs the back of them with his thumbs. He brushes my bruised knuckles and I see a faint smile on his face.

"Was it my fault?" I ask him. "I've spent eighteen months trying to convince myself that it wasn't but I just can't"

I look up into his green eyes. Wait, they weren't all green. His irises were circled in a ring of brown. "What do you think was your fault?"

"Elliott" I say in a small voice "I was supposed to be watching him. But I fell asleep and they took him. If I'd just stayed awake he'd still be alive"

He shakes his head and takes my face in his hands "Princesa. You couldn't have stayed awake forever. The only person to blame for that little boy's death is the bastard that slit his throat" I cringe at his words and his beautiful eyes widen "Shit. Sorry. Told you, not good with being gentle" he apologises.

I shake my head and shrug "That's nothing compared to what he said about Elliott. They used his death to control me. Said he would do it again. He saw how badly I was affected by it and used it against me. They recorded the audio. Did you know that? They recorded his screams and played it to me for the past three days. They forced me to listen to that little boy scream for me to help him for three whole days"

"I should've never sent you back" He says.

"And then Rose would have been trapped down there and God knows what would have happened to her" I say "You did what you had to. I don't blame you for that"

"I need to show you something" He says and I nod.

He leads me from my room to his office and hands me the file that I had stole from Sean. "Read it" he tells me.

I sit down in the chair and open the file. I read it quickly and then read it again. "He's selling us?" I say quietly.

"Once he does that we'll have no trace over any of you. You'll be separated and chances are nobody will ever find you" he explains to me.

I take a deep breath "How do we stop it?"

He sighs "We have to get everyone out of that house"


"Weapon of choice?" Alexander asks.

I shrug "Something that will do damage at close range"

He nods and pulls out a small black gun. "Caliber is-" he starts.

I cut him off "I have no clue what you're about to say so just tell me. How does it work?"

He rolls his eyes "Just point and pull the trigger. Here take this as well"

He hands me a small blade that I slide into my belt next to the gun. "Anything else?"

"Other than my amazing advice. You're all set" He smiles "Don't die"

"Are you sorted in here?" Viktor asks.

I nod "Bye Alexander"

"I'm sure we've not seen the last of you" he chuckles.

"What do I need to do again?" I ask.

"Get in the house. Get everyone out. Create some sort of signal as to where the house is so that the police can find it after you're home" Viktor explains as we walk out to the car.

"Will I see you again?" I ask.

He nods "You'll come to my wedding right?"

I laugh "Sure thing. Katerina is a lucky girl"

"She's a lot of things" he laughs.

I sigh "I'll miss you" I say.

He nods "I'll miss you too princesa" I get in the car and he leans in after me. "Please don't die. I actually like you"

"I like you too" I say and do something I really hoped I wouldn't. I kiss him. It only lasts a second or two but it gives me this sort of rush that I've never felt before. "See you around Viktor" I close the door and the car starts to drive off.

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