Forty Five

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Bella's POV

"I'm not leaving you here" He says folding his arms over his chest.

I sigh "Viktor. We don't have anything to eat in here other than a mouldy orange that I don't even want to know how long it's been in here"

"Come with me" he says "Then I'll go"

I groan "They'll arrest me"

"They'll arrest me too! I shot people live on TV!" He shouts.

His hair is a mess and the top three buttons on his white shirt are unbuttoned, showing some of the tattoos covering his chest. We've been in here for three weeks and apparently being stuck makes Viktor cranky.

"I told Artie to come back. He can go get us food and you can stop being so hangry" he mutters and stands up.

I ignore the last comment "You told Artie to come here? I mean, I miss the guy too but I don't want to involve anyone else!" I shout.

"Mummy?" Rya asks.

"Go back to your room sweetheart" I snap. She takes a sharp breath and I watch her clutch Bonbon in her tiny fists and her eyes well up with tears.

I freeze. Nothing is scarier than this tiny person tantrum that was about to go off.

She let out a scream. Not a cry, a scream. "Rya!" I shout. "Stop that!"

Now she cries. Her whole body shakes as the tears fall. I see Viktor cringing as we both struggle to find a solution to the screaming issue.

I crouch down in front of her. "Hey. Hey. Stop crying. Please stop crying"

"I want cookies!" She cries.

"Me too sweetheart" I mutter. I speak up "Can you wait a little longer?" I ask.

She shakes her head but the crying has stopped. She's got this petted lip however that I doubt will go away until she has cookies. "Artie better hurry up then" I say and Viktor chuckles.


Viktor is in bathroom trying to bathe Rya and from what I can hear, it's not going well.

I push open the door and see Viktor in the bath and Rya washing his hair instead. He's scowling and his wet clothes are clinging to him.

I laugh and he smirks at me "Enjoying this are you?" He asks. 

I nod my head and he shakes his head. Rya scowls at him for moving and I laugh harder. I hear the door opening "I think Artie's here" I say and leave, closing the door behind me.

"Hey" I shout through. I walk into the kitchen and pull open the fridge "We don't have much to drink but I'm sure I can find something. We haven't seen eachother in so long, I think we need to celebrate!" I laugh.

Artie doesn't say anything. His shoes squeak as he walks up behind me. "We have a bottle of beer left but I can just get you water if yo-" the fridge door slams on my hand and I scream. A hand clamps over my mouth before sound can escape. 

I bite down on the fingers and the person hisses and let's me go. I grab a kitchen knife in my left hand and spin around. It's my nondominant hand but the other one is, I think, broken.

My eyes widen as I see Elijah standing there. He kicks at my leg, the one that got shot, and I fall to the ground. He steps down on my wrist until I release the knife and he can kick it away.

I roll onto my stomach and get to my hands and knees. He puts his foot on my back and pushes me back to the ground and slightly further so I can feel my ribs almost cracking.

Then I see it, I reach up and swing the cupboard open. The gun on the bottom shelf calls out to me and I grab it, he releases me slightly out of shock and I spin around and shoot.


Viktor's POV

I hear gunfire and jump out of the tub as quickly as I can.

Water drips off me as I run to the kitchen and see Bella on the ground, wincing as she tries to get up. Elijah lies a few feet away, dead.

I should feel something about my father's dead body, but I don't. He was just a danger to my princesa.

I rush to her side and see her clutching her ribs. Her wrist is red. When I get her to her feet, she leans slightly to the right as if her leg was also hurt.

"We have to get out of here" I tell her. She nods and tests out her leg.

I run and scoop Rya out of the bath and throw her in her dress from earlier. She complain about her wet hair but that doesn't matter. I pass her to Bella once we get to the door and I grab a jacket to put over my wet shirt. There's no time to change my trousers as there's not a chance that Elijah came here alone.

Bella places Rya on the ground and we keep our heads down as we walk. It doesn't matter though.

Rya runs ahead and Bella looks up "Rya!" She calls out. In the almost silent Street, this draws attention of the police officer on the corner of the street. He picks up his radio and I look up to see Bella chasing Rya.

Someone grabs me and pulls me back as I fight. "Viktor Guerreiro, you're under arrest.." I don't pay attention to the rest.

All I notice is my wife being grabbed by another police officer and her screaming for Rya. I don't realise why she's so scared until I see the man standing down the street.

Sean watches as Rya watches us both being dragged away, a look of confusion in her face. "Mummy?" She asks. Bad move.

Sean's eyes light up and she pulls the gun from his hip. "No!" I shout. I'm nearly in the car. I fight against them as much as I can. "That's my daughter! I need to help her!" I shout.

He points it at Rya and I realise that I'm going to watch my daughter die.

I can still hear Bella screaming as they push her in the car.

Suddenly I see someone else running in. He wraps himself around Rya as Sean fires the gun.

It's Oliver.

The police stop pulling as they watch his body slump in front of Rya. I know from here that he's dead.

There's blood on Rya's face and she's crying. Another gunshot goes and Sean goes down. I see Artie walk away from the madness after firing.

A police officer goes over to my little girl and they finally get me in the back seat of the car.

She was safe.

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