Twenty Four

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"This hurts like a motherfucker" I hiss as I look down at my arm. The black hoodie doesn't show much of the blood but I know it's there.

"How did you get shot anyway?" Oliver asks as we climb out of the car. "Actually. Wait until we're inside"

He walks in before me and I follow close behind him. I slip my bloody shoes off at the door and walk in in my socks. I can hear the TV on in the living room and follow Oliver through.

I stop suddenly. I really fucked up. I have nowhere to go now. I was homeless and this was my only chance. What if they didn't want me? What if they put me on the street. Where would I go? Liam's bar?

"You okay?" Oliver asks.

I nod "Yeah. I just feel a little light headed"

"Let's get you to Artie then. He'll get it out your arm" he says and I continue to follow him into the living room. Viktor, Alexander and Artie are all watching the news. I lean over the back of the couch just above Alexander's head and watch with them.

"Bella Eden, the girl who was found in her old school after being missing for two years, brutally murdered her teaching assistant today. Officer Phil Maxwell was forced to shoot after she tried to flee the crime screen. The bullet hit her arm and she managed to get to an unmarked black car and get away. The police are asking anyone who may know about her whereabouts to please come forward"

"Well shit. They're efficient, it only happened twenty minutes ago" I say. Alexander lets out a small scream and jumps. I have to jump back to avoid getting headbutted in the jaw.

He spins around. "What the actual fuck!" He shouts.

I pout my lip "Did I give you a fright? Ohhh. I didn't mean to give little Alexander a fright" I say in a baby voice.

He scowls "Fuck off" I walk around to stand infront of Artie.

"Can you fix me?" I ask. He laughs and nods.


After an hour of me being a terrible patient, the bullet was out my arm and I was stitched up. "That didn't have to take that long" he sighs.

"It fucking hurt!" I say "It's a natural reflex to move away from pain"

He raises an eyebrow "Yes, people flinch, you ran around the room screaming. I literally had to pin you down" he climbs off of me as he had been sitting on my legs and pushing down on my shoulders.

I stared down at my ruined hoodie. He had cut the sleeve off and I unzipped it. There was no point hiding the blood now. "Fucking hell! That came from one person?" He asks. I laugh and nod. "Poor guy"

I climb off of the bed and walk out of the makeshift hospital. I go back into the living room and plop down between Alexander and Viktor. "Have you changed your mind about the wedding then?" Alexander asks.

Viktor groans "Please don't mention that"

"Two days!" I pounce on him "Two days until you're a married man"

He tries to hold back a chuckle and my hand go for his ribs. His eyes widen and he grabs my wrists tightly. Not in a painful way, just a way telling me not to fuck with him.

"Não me faça cócegas princesa" he warns.

I laugh and lean in close to his face "I still don't speak Portugeuse"

"I could teach you" he smirks. "If you stick around"

I raise an eyebrow and sit back slightly, folding my arms "Are you asking me to stay?"

"I'm not asking you to leave" He says. I grin.

"Well then. I feel like I'm intruding slightly so I'll be off" Alexander stands and goes to walk away. Viktor sits up and I slip off him onto the floor. I land on my injured arm and pains shoots down it.

"Fuck!" I shout. Viktor laughs as I lie on the floor, I stare up at him "You're a sick bastard" I say.

He shrugs "Your point?"

I reach up for him to pull me up and his expression changes. "What is that?" He asks. He goes to grab my hand but I pull it away. I yank the ring off my finger and shove it in my pocket.

"It's nothing" I say. "Can I go change. I'm guessing my room hasn't been emptied"

He scowls at me "On you go"

I run off before he tries to stop me again.

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