Chapter 42- A Happy Ending

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I woke up to a face full of soft brown curls. I smiled and breathed his scent in. My eyes trailed over his face and then down to his naked body. His skin was flush against mine as all of the memories from the night before came rushing over me. Last night had literally been the best night of my life. He had been so gentle with me, and I just loved, loved, loved every bit of him.

Harry mumbled something and his eyes began to flutter open. I immeadiately became embaressed of our compromising position and tried to scoot away before he woke up. But when I tried his strong arms wrapped around my waist and pulled me back to him.

"Where do you think you're going?" He grumbled. My heart fluttered when his green eyes met mine. I bit my lip, embarressed.

He chuckled.

"What?" I asked.

"We're naked." He laughed.

I felt the heat come to my cheeks. He snuggled his chin into my neck and pressed a kiss to my skin.

"We should get dressed you have orientating in an hour." I told him. He groaned but rolled over and climbed out of bed. He grabbed his boxers off the floor and pulled them back on. He turned around and smiled at me as I reached for his bag to find something to wear.

30 minutes later we were both dressed and our hair was done. Harry's was beginning to get so long that he just pulled it back into a pony tail. His hair was literally the sexist thing. Especially when it was messy.

Harry and I made our way down to the cafeteria. We grabbed some muffins and then made our way to the Auditorium where we were to start orientation.

The day went by rather quickly. I fell in love with the campus in the same way I fell in love with Harry. Immediately. It was absolutely beautiful and I knew that I belonged there. I promised myself that I would focus extremely hard and finish my last semester of high school so that I could continue my life with the most amazing guy in the world.

Harry wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me right against him.

"Are you ready to go home babe?" He asked.

I smiled and nodded. "You're going to love it here," I told him.

"Not as much as I love you." he said with a cheeky grin.

The sky began to dark around us. It looked like it was about to rain.

Harry and I headed back to our room and packed up our things quickly. the sky got darker by the second and it wasn't even 2 in the afternoon. I began to get nervous.

"Harry, maybe we should stay another night?" I suggested.

"We'll be fine." he said as he shoved our bags into the trunk.

I swallowed hard and hopped in the passenger side just as the first drop of rain hit the windshield. I had always been fearful of driving in the rain.

Harry was ran into the office to check out and when he came back out the rain was coming down hard. He jogged across the parking lot and climbed into the car. He was soaking wet.

I chuckled at him as I took in his amazing beauty.

"Hey, not funny." he scowled.

I laughed out loud. "Oh yes it is."

He glared at m but then his eye softened and he leaned over for a kiss. his wet lips touched mine and my body enveloped in flames just like it did every time.

"I love you," I spat out quicker than I could think about it.

"I love you too." He laughed.

Harry turned on the heat and the radio. He grabbed my hand and put the car in drive.

The rain kept coming down. We were almost two hours in and I was no longer nervous.

The sky was almost black and lightening cracked across the sky. I swallowed hard. I was nervous again.

"Harry." I mumbled.

"What babe?" He replied.

Harry began to slow down for a stop light. The lights in the rear view mirror were getting brighter by the second. The car wasn't stopping.

Everything happened so quickly.
I felt a huge jolt and then everything was black.

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