Chapter 3- Give Me Love

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"I just use this gel." Harry said as he squeezed some from the bottle and rubbed it on his hands. "Do you mind?" He asked. I shook my head and let him run his fingers through my hair. I savored every moment of it. 

"There." He said finishing all too soon.

I smiled at myself in the mirror. I had a perfect quiff a top my head now. "Thanks." I said.

"No problem, now you better get your butt to class." He said.

I nodded and grabbed my bag from the floor. "Where can I get some of that?" I said referencing to the gel.

"Here, have this one. I have a million back home." He said.

I laughed and took it knowing that even if I said no he was find a way to get it in my possession. 

"Mind if I walk with you?" He asked.

I sighed."People will see us." I said.

"I don't care." He said as he shrugged his bag over his shoulders. I felt my heart flutter a little as we made our way out of the restroom.

"So, my mum....she wanted us" He mumbled. "Do you a..want to come over tomorrow night?" 

What? Harry Styles wanted me to come over? 

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Like we used to." He said.

"So, like a sleep over?" I asked.

He nodded. "Yeah, I just...miss you." He said. His bright green eyes met mine. He held the stare longer than usual just as the last bell rang. 

"Yeah, I'll come. See you later." I said as I pushed the door open to my first class.

"Have a good day, Niall." He said.


"Horan! Wait up!" Brock called from behind me. I knew that it would never be over. No matter what I did.

"What?" I spat.

"I just wanna talk." he said softly. Right when did he ever want to talk. I spun around to see that maybe his intentions were true. He looked a little less intimidating this time.

"Then talk." I said. His eyes went hard.

"Who do you think you are? You little shit! You never stop do you! First me, now Styles? He's not gay! He told me all about you asking if you could go to his house. You faggot." He spat as he kicked me in the shin. I feel to the ground out of reflex. It didn't even hurt anymore. I was numb to everything he did to me now. 

"He will never love you, you idiot. You just have some schoolgirl crush on him. What makes you think he'd ever want to be with you?" He shouted.

I held back the tears because what he was saying was true. Harry did want me. Hell he was even too   cowardly to tell Brock that he had invited me in the first place. Maybe he invited me just to show me up. 

No, he wouldn't do that. I know him. I know Harry. He would never hurt me. 

"Nice necklace fag!" Brock sneared as he grabbed it tightly in his hands. I could feel the metal of the chain digging into the back of my neck. I silently prayed that he wouldn't recognize it as Harrys. God, please no.

The next thing I knew I was lying face down in the grass, sobbing because I was holding a broken necklace in my swollen hand.


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