Chapter 14- When I Look At You

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I climbed the steps to Louis house for the second time that day. I let myself in and found the rest of the lads back. Louis had invited us to spend the night.  I wasn't planning on staying. I was just going to stop in and say hi to Louis and use this a cover for going to see Niall.

"Hi mates." I grinned at the boys.

They both greeted me. "Where's Lou?" I asked.

"Kitchen," They both said at the same time. I nodded and made my way into the kitchen. 

"Hi Lou." I breathed. He spun around quickly almost dropping the tray in his hands.

"Haz." He whispered.

"Nice to see you again." I flirted as I stepped forward.

"Harry." He warned.

"Shh." I said as I grabbed his face with both of my hands.

"Stop it." He said stronger this time. I stepped back and saw that he was serious.

"Why?" I asked cocking my head to the side.

"You. Love. Niall." He said through his teeth.

"No- So..what." 

"Harry, I think you should go home and forget about what happened earlier today. Best friends do not do that. I'm sorry I even kissed you in the first place." He said.

Usually something like that would've hurt. But coming from Louis, I didn't really mind. The kiss or kisses earlier were a mistake. I just wanted someone to love me, and since I wasn't going to get anything from Niall.

"Please, Harry. Don't give up on Niall. He will come home. He loves you." He promised.

"Hates me." I corrected.


"Nothing." I said. "I'll see you later Lou." I said pulling him into a friendly hug. "By the way, I think Zayn may have a little crush on you." 

He blushed deeply. "Really?" He asked.

I shrugged. "Maybe you should find out." 

"Oh and Lou, if my mum asks. Tell her I'm staying here." 

He nodded, no questions asked. I'm sure I would have to explain everything to him later but for now I was off the hook.

Waving goodbye to the lads I let myself out and climbed into my car. I glanced at the clock, it was only 6:30. I still had time to stop by Niall's house and Nando's.

Mrs. Horan met me at the door with a heavy hug. 

"I was wondering if it would be alright if I could see Niall's room." 

"Of course Harry." She smiled and followed me to his bedroom. It was quite different than I remember. The last time I saw it, it was covered with Star-Wars posters and trinkets. Now the walls were a light baby blue color, that resembled his eyes. His four posted white bed took up most of his room.

"Before the funeral I was going to sell some of his stuff." She said. "I was wondering if you might want some of it." She said. 

I swallowed hard at the pain in her voice. All I had to do was say 3 words. I found him. But I couldn't. My eyes fell onto his guitar and I went straight to it. Maura watched quietly as I picked it up. 

Just then the phone rang. She disappeared from the room and I could hear her voice on the phone a few rooms down. Quickly I scrambled to Niall's dresser. I grabbed as many clothes that I could find and shoved them into my backpack. I also grabbed the hair products I had bought him a while back. Taking the guitar I swept the room for anything else that he might want. Not finding anything I turned and headed out the door. Maura was still on the phone so I waved a quick goodbye and let myself out. 

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