Chapter 11- In The Dark

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December 2


"Hey mate, glad to see you back!" Olly said as I jogged past him. I gave him a slight nod and continued on my way towards the coach.

"HARRY! My boy!" He said. "Back to start for next season?" 

"Yeah, my mum thinks it'll be good for me, help me clear my head." I said.

He nodded. "Well, it's good to see you back in the game." He smiled. 

"Thanks coach." I muttered.

"For what?" He asked.

"Not giving up on me."

He flashed me a weak smile and then sent me to the locker rooms along with the rest of the boys that were stumbling in from their last classes of the day. Footie practices were year around but they were only mandatory during our season. Almost everyone came to every practice regardless. 

"Harry!" James smiled.

"Hi mate!" I said greeting him.

My eyes scanned the room. The mirror I used to watch Niall through, not in the creepy way -just in the curious way, the dirty laundry basket that was all full of old towels, Niall's locker. 

Niall's locker. Right where Niall kissed me. Right where Niall ran out on me. I felt my heart constrict and my breath froze in my throat. I tore my eyes away from it and took a deep breath. I can do this. It's been 4 months since I last saw him. 

I made my way to my old locker and opened it up. I caught a glimpse of Brock out of the right corner of my eye. He was sitting on the bench, his eyes on the floor. I think the only person taking this worse than I was, was Brock. I actually felt a pang of pity flash through my body. I pushed it away. He deserved no sympathy. He was the reason Niall was gone. Not that I didn't play a part in that. Who was I kidding, I was no better than Brock.

By the time I changes everyone had left the locker room and made their way out to the gym. We were probably just going to lift and condition today. I turned around to find Brock sitting in the same position as he was last time I looked at him. 

Instead of ignoring him I sighed and carefully sat down beside him. He didn't even look up at me.

"How are you doing?" I asked softly. 

"I've been better." He said. I could hear the tinge of humor in his voice that reminded me of when we used to be friends. In all reality he wasn't that bad. Minus the bullying and him being an extreme homophobe.

I nodded and began to get up. I could see that our conversation was going no where.

"Harry?" He asked and I sat back down. "I'm sorry, you know that I am...right?" 

"I'm not the one you need to apologize to." I said.

"I know but, I just... I feel like he meant more to you than you let on, I mean I know you guys used to be best friends and all." He said.

"Yeah," I mumbled.

He opened his mouth like he was going to say something again but he didn't. Instead, suddenly he got closer, really close. Like he was going to kiss me close. I panicked and my heart went into overdrive. Not here, not in the locker room, not Brock. His lips were inches from mine when I backed away.

"See you in the gym, mate." I said unsteadily.

He looked incredibly embarrassed but I didn't care I had to get out of there.

The Runaway {Narry}जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें