Chapter 5- With Ears To See

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Everything was a blur.

Everything hurt.

I was so incredibly stupid, not to mention a freak. No one wanted me anymore. No one wanted to see my face. So I'd give them what they wanted. They wouldn't have to see me anymore.

I tore a sheet of paper out of the notebook on my desk and scrambled for a pen. I had no idea why I was doing it, only that I had to.

Trembling, I pressed the pen to the paper and wrote. Tears smeared the ink and blurred my eyes.

I was done trying to fit in. I was done trying to be something I'm not. I'm not an attractice kid, I'm not a jock, I don't sing, I don't play instruments. I seriously did not fit in anywhere at school. The only way to stop it was to disappear forever.

I'm not coming back.


It's been 25 hours, 36 minutes, and 45 seconds... since he went missing. I was completely and entirely numb. This was all my fault.

"Harry Styles." A young woman said. I stood up and followed her down the hall after a long glance at my mum.

"I'm Detective Meyers, take a seat." She said.

I did as she asked without a word. The metal was cold beneath the thin fabric of my footie practice uniform.

"Can I get you anything? Coffee? Water?" She asked as she placed a stack of papers in front of me.

I shook my head but she left to get me something anyways. She left the door open behind her as just as she disappeared Maura and Bobby passed by. Maura was sobbing and Bob had a tight grip on his withering wife. His face looked hard. I trembled with fear. I did this to them. I made him want to disappear.

And the worst part was that I didn't even know if he was alive. What if he was dead? What if he was.....

It was all my fault. I shouldn't have said anything. I knew he was fragile, I knew he fancied me. I should've just played along. If I had he would still be here. And the worst part was, I kissed him back. I liked...loved kissing him. But it was all wrong. I couldn't take the pressure of being gay, and losing everything I had.

"Here you go." Detective Meyers said as she sat a cup of tea in front of me. She must have shut the door because I could no longer hear the murmuring voices of Maura and Bobby speaking with my parents.

"Thanks." I muttered. I didn't take it though. I watched as the brown liquid slowly evaporated into steam then disappeared into the air.

Just. Like. Niall.

"Harry?" She asked.


"Did you hear me?"

I shook my head.

"Alright, Harry I need you to tell me what happened last night, before he disappeared."

I took a deep breath.

"We were at footie practice and we had just gotten back into the locker room. Everyone else had left so I went over to him.." I said.

"Niall?" She asked.

"Yeah, I went over to Niall and we talked." I said.

"What about?"

"I just..I asked him if he wanted a ride home. He refused and started to walk out the door. But he tripped over his bag and fell into me and..." My voice trembled.

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