Chapter 13- The Other Side

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I sat frozen on the couch. I could hear Niall moving around in the kitchen. I had barely been there 8 hours and I was already wishing I hadn't come. I don't think I had ever felt so unwanted. Niall was so cold and angry. He would barely look at me. I tried to apologize over a hundred times but he always cut me off or ignored me. He was not the Niall I remembers. 

Suddenly I heard a loud crash coming from the kitchen. My heart jumped into my throat as I ran into the room.

"NIall?" I called.

"Shit." He muttered as he clutched his bloodied hand against his chest. The remenants of what was once my mothers favorite glass platter lay shattered all over the floor. 

"Here, let me see." I said reached out and grabbing his wrist.

"Don't touch me." He spat and recoiled away from me.

"Okay," I said holding my hands up in defense. "At least let me see it." 

Fear flickered through his eyes and for a moment I saw the old Niall. He slowly lowers his hands revealing a bloody stain on his shirt.  He held his hand out to me and I examined it. There didn't seem to be any glass pieces but there was quite a deep cut. He was probably going to need stitches.

"Here." I motioned for him to rinse it off in the sink. "Niall you are going to need to go to a hospital." I said.

He shook his head violently. "No," 

"It's really deep." I said as I wrapped his hand tightly in a towel.

"Can't you just fix it?" He asked.

"I don't know Niall." I said.

"My mum's sewing kit." He said just as his eyes began to flutter. He was losing alot of blood.

"Okay, don't go anywhere." I said as I ran to Maura and Bobby's old room. I grabbed the old sewing kit out of the dresser and ran back to Niall. I found him on the floor his knees to his chest and tears pouring over his cheeks. My big brother instincts stepped in as I knelt down in front of him.

"Don't cry, Love. I'll fix you." I promised. And I meant it, not only would I fix his hand but his heart and mind too. I was not going to give up on him. Never. 

Niall walked me through it and by the time I was done I was ready to throw up. I now had blood all over my jeans and hands as well. 

"How do you know all this?" I asked as I wrapped his hand with clean towel.

"Advanced Health." He breathed. 

I smiled weakly. How could I have forgotten. Niall was at the top of the class. "Here let me help you up." I said.

He glared at me and pushed my hand away. Using only one hand he managed to get himself up off the floor. He left the room without so much as a thank you. Not that I expected it.

I sighed and took to cleaning up the kitchen. I really hoped that Niall didn't need a blood transfusion. Because I had no idea what to do. Nor did we have a donor. 

Once the kitchen was clean I found my phone to see 31 missed messages. I unlocked it and scanned through a few. Most of them from Louis and Liam. 1 from Zayn and more than half the rest from my mum.

"Niall?" I called.


"Alright Niall, I'm leaving." 

Suddenly I heard movement. He appeared around the corner, his eyes dark. It was almost frightening.

"Niall?" I asked nervously.

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