Chapter 25- Bang Bang

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"You don't have to do this." I told him. We were standing hand and hand in Niall's front yard. His hand grasped mine tightly.

He let out a heavy breath. "No, it's time."

"Niall?" I asked. "What changed?"

He looked up at me and blushed. "You loved me." 

I was so surprised at how forward his comment was that I didn't even realize we were walking until we were on the front steps. The cool winter wind brew around us, stinging my face and hands. Niall reached up and knocked on the door lightly. Moments later the door was pulled open. It all seemed surreal. Maura's face twisted into confusion as she fell to her knees in sobs. It was like I was watching a slow motion movie. Niall let go of my hand and bent down to hug his mother. She wrapped her arms around him so tightly, as if she was never going to let go of him.

"Maura what is it?" Bobby called. His face appeared in the doorway. He looked at Niall, then me, and then back to Niall as if he was trying to piece it together.

"Niall?" Bobby's voice shook.

"Daddy," Niall sobbed. He stood up from his mother and hugged his dad, all the while holding her hand. I felt like I was intruding. I wanted to leave them to talk but I promised Niall that I would stay. 

Niall broke away from his dad and turned to help his mum up from the ground. She was still sobbing as she clutched her son. 

"Come on in, Harry." Bobby said softly as he opened the door a little further. I followed Niall and Maura into the living room where they sat down on the couch, still holding each other.

"I'm so sorry mum." Niall sobbed. It broke my heart to see him cry. Bobby offered me a chair and I took it politely.

"Does your dad know?" Bobby asked me. I nodded. "My mum told him this morning."

He nodded and sat down in the arm chair beside me. His eyes were focused on the two on the couch. I felt incredibly awkward. Everyone was silent, I was waiting for someone to speak.

"Are you hungry?" Maura asked Niall.

He pulled away from her and laughed lightly through his tears. "I guess." 

"Okay," She said excitedly. "I'll make you a grilled cheese." She stood up and kissed his forehead before walking into the kitchen. 

"Niall." Bobby said.

He looked at his father. I could tell he was terrified.

"What were you thinking?" He asked. He was trying to stay calm.

"Sir, It's my fault." I said. My hands were trembling in my lap. Maybe this wasn't a good idea.

"You're fault?" He asked.

"I-" I began.

"No, Harry don't you dare." Niall said sternly. "Dad, I ran away on my own acount."

"Why?" He asked.

"I needed to get away, and once I was gone I didn't know how to come back." He said softly.

"Who did this to you?" He asked.

"God you two are so blind!" Niall said angrily. 

Maura stepped back into the room and watched with wide eyes.  

"I bet you didn't know that I went to school in fear everyday, that everyone at that school hated me, called me names." He was on his feet now. "I came home from school everyday with a new bruise, but you two were too busy with work, or the next neighbor hood party." 

He shot them both an evil glare. Niall had never told me any of this.

"I bet you didn't even know that I am gay. Did you know that mum?" he asked. He looked crazy with anger. His mum reached for the back of a chair for support. It was as if her whole world was falling down around her as she realized what she had done.

"Niall, we don't care that you are gay." Maura said. I glanced at Bobby to see if he agreed. His eyes told me he did. He accepted his son. A sudden fear overcame me, I would have to tell my dad, eventually.

"I'm so sorry, little one." She cried. "I knew that as soon as you were gone it was because of us. We didn't give you enough attention." She said.

Niall took a deep breath and wiped the angry tears from his eyes. He looked at me in desperation. 

"I should go." I muttered. 

"I'm going with you." Niall said. 

"Niall?" Maura begged.

"No, I'm going with Harry." He said.

She nodded and went to hug him again. He hugged her back but there was no love there. He gave his dad a soft smile and then led me out the door. It was an awkward silent walk back home. Both of us had our hands stuffed in our pockets. 

We stepped back into my house and took off our coats. 

"How'd it go?" My mum asked when she saw us.

Niall shrugged. 

"Oh love, it'll be alright. Let them process it all." She said. She pressed a kiss to my porcelain boy's cheek.

Niall nodded and followed her into our kitchen where my dad sat on one of our barstools reading the newspaper.

"Sir." Niall smiled at my dad.

"Hi, Niall." My dad looked up at him. "Things go alright?" He asked.

Niall nodded ever so slightly. "I don't really know what to say."

"Well you are welcome here as long as you want to stay." He said. 

"Thanks." He said. I swallowed nervously. For the first time I was afraid my dad could sense that I was gay.

"Let's go upstairs." I said to Niall.

"Okay." He mumbled as her started towards the stair case. I followed him up and shut my door behind us.

" dad doesn't know." I said.

"It's okay." He said.

I let out a heavy breath. "I have no idea how I'm going to tell him." I sighed.

He threw himself down on my bed and burried his head in my pillow. I realized that I needed to take care of Niall right now. I could worry about myself later.

"What can I do?" I asked as I sat down beside him.

He was silent.

"They'll come around Niall, they should've paid more attention to you. They are going to realize it soon enough. You've been gone for so long."

"I hate that they blame everything on everyone but themselves." He turned his head to look at me.

"I know baby."

"I don't know what to do." He said. 

"Just wait it out. I'll be right beside you."

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