Chapter 32- Boiling Point

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"Harry, can I come in?" My dad called from the other side of my door. I swallowed hard and squeaked out a yes. 

"What's up dad?" I asked as I sat up on my bed. 

"Did I do something to upset you?" He asked.

"No, why?"

"You've been avoiding me..." He said.

"I have?" I questioned innocently.

"Harry, come on you know you can tell me anything." He reassured me.

I sighed, if now wasn't a good time I didn't know what was. 

"Okay, well I uh..." I can't do it. My mind was screaming at me to run out of the room. 

"What is it Harry?" 

"I think I might be gay." I said quickly.

He was silent. 

Shit. Shit. Shit. I should've called my mum in to protect me. It was impossible to read his face and I was frozen in fear.

"You think?" He asked.

"Well I... I might be straight, I could be if you want..." I rambled.

"What? Harry don't you dare..." He said. 

I could feel my heart begin to pull itself into pieces. 

"...change for me, I don't know how I feel about it, it's a surprise... it's definitely a surprise but don't you dare. If you like boys then like them, if thats what makes you happy. I love you Harry, and you'll always be my son." He said.

I leapt from the bed and ran to him with tears in my eyes. 

"I've never been more proud of you, you know." He said. "As long as I get one grandchild between you and Gem I'll be happy."

"This is not what I expected at all." I said.

He chuckled. "Have you told your mother?"

"Yeah she's knew even before I did." 

"Sounds like her." He smiled. "Well I was originally supposed to come up here to tell you that dinner was ready, so lets go eat." He threw his arm over my shoulders and led me down the stairs.

After dinner I asked to spend the night at Zayn's house, but in reality we were all going to Tom's party, well everyone besides Niall.


The weekend passed quickly and soon enough I was back in school. I had spent Friday night with Libby and her friends to keep my mind off of what might of happened at Tom's party. When I got to school on Monday the lads were already gathered around Harry and I's locker. 

"and then when that dude jumped into the pool naked, jesus it was like 13 degrees outside." Louis laughed.

I inwardly groaned. I would just pass them but I needed to get to my History book.

"Excuse me." I muttered as I squeezed between Louis and Liam.

"Nialler! How was your weekend?" Liam asked.

"It was alright." I said truthfully.

"Aww you should've came to the party, it was brilliant." Liam smiled.

I sunk into my face down into my sweatshirt and set to opening my locker. I could feel Harry beside me, his elbow was pressing into my side. I glanced up at him to see him staring down at me intently.

"Hey we're going to head into the café to get something to eat." Louis said as the 3 lads walked off.

"I-" Harry began. 

"What?" I asked.

He swallowed hard and dropped his eyes to the floor. I could tell that he was embarressed about something. "You look good today," He said.

I felt the heat rise to my cheeks. What did he mean I looked good today? I had on an old gray sweatshirt and black skinnies. Heck I didn't even do my hair. 

"Just accept the compliment okay?" He smiled when he saw me open my mouth to protest. 

"Okay," I said as I studied him. He was gorgeous and he had.....a lovebite just below his jaw. I glared at it with hatred and tried desperately not to shout at him. I was disgusted, and angry, and jealous. God I was jealous.

The next thing I know the bell is ringing and I am pulling Harry into the boys restroom. 

"What are you-" He began to asked but I shoved him against the door with all of my strength and kissed the life out of him. He reacted immediately and bit down on my bottom lip. My body was on fire, it almost felt like all of the blood in my body was boiling. Suddenly Harry took control and slammed my back into the adjacent wall. I'm not going to lie, it hurt a little but I didn't care one bit.

Harry suddenly pushed me away and stared at me wide eyed. "What the hell?" He asked.

My mind flashed back to when we were in the locker room, but this time I wasn't the victim. Harry was, I took advantage of him. "Erm... sorry.. I didn't mean too."

"It's fine," he said as he rubbed his eyes. "You know I'm with Tom now Niall." He said.

"I know...but I."

"Don't say anything, I need time to think." He said. I tried to pull him back to me but he tore out of the bathroom. I realized how big of a mistake I had made. What was wrong with me? 

Harry's was under so much stress and now I confused him even more. He must still love me, there was no way he could ignore the spark.

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