Chapter 31- Love Without Tragedy

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It had been about 2 weeks since Tom and I started dating. I hadn't seen much of Niall lately, and I was actually starting to worry less. He seemed like he was really settling in. He hung out with Libby and Liam alot. Liam had finally given up on holding a grudge against me, which also helped with lowering the stress. It seemed like things were finally looking up. I only had 4 more months of school. Meanwhile, I would be spending time with Tom, my family, and hopefully Niall. I didn't want to lose my friendship with him, but for right now the space between us was good. I liked it alot. I didn't have to worry about upsetting him, or saying the wrong thing. Of course I still loved him, but I pushed those feelings away. 

I really liked Tom anyways, and slowly I was starting to understand that Niall and I would never work. Even though it felt like he was the only one for me.

Louis and I had been spending alot of time together, since Liam was always with Niall and Zayn was always with his girlfriend Perrie. Louis supported me 100% and understood that I loved Niall and liked Tom at the same time.

"Harry?" Louis asked as he looked up from his books on my bed.


"When do you plan on telling your dad?"  He asked.

I sighed. "I dunno Lou, I don't really know how." I said.


"Lou?" I asked.


"Are" I asked.

He sat up on my bed and looked everywhere but at me. "No, I mean when we kissed, I guess I thought I was, in the moment I really liked it but afterwards I didn't feel anything towards you, and then when I met Eleanor last month I knew for sure that I was straight."

I chuckled. "What are best mates if they haven't kissed at least once am I right?" 

He laughed along with me. "I guess so."

"But really Harry, you might just want to tell him before he finds out." 

"How would he find out?" I asked.

He shrugged. "I dunno."

"I'll try tonight, ok?" I said.

He smiled. "Well I better get going, Eleanor wants to meet up for dinner."

"Okay have fun," I smiled. 

He grabbed his bag and gave me a quick hug. "Text me if you end up doing it tonight," He said.

"Will do."

As soon as Lou was gone I threw myself down on my bed and sighed. I couldn't do it. Maybe I could ask my mum to tell him. No then I would seem like a coward, which I was. My dad would be home in an hour and I really didn't want to be in the house, I couldn't do it tonight. I wasn't ready. 

Maybe Niall would want to do that rain check tonight, since Tom was currently unavailable. He was in London for the weekend. 

I didn't know if it was a good idea or not but I decided to go through with it anyways. I texted him and he responded almost immediately like he was expecting me to message him. 

"Mum, could I go to Niall's tonight?" I asked.

"Will you be home?" She asked with a slight smirk. My mum didn't know about Tom yet because I didn't know if I wanted to tell her. What if we didn't work out? I just wanted to wait and see before I made anything offical.

"I don't know." I said.

"Okay, just let me know. I think I'll ask your father if he wants to go out tonight," She smiled.

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