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   Today's saturday and there's no school which means I can lay on my bed until God knows when. Jaehan and Hyerin invited me to the mall later afternoon. They said they wanted to spend time together and fortunately, there were only a few homeworks given to us.

  "Y/N, eat your breakfast first!" Eomma called for me. I groaned as I lazily got up from my bed, giving off a lot of effort to make steps.

   "You lazy-head, you should be helping me with the chores." Eomma bombarded me with her words as soon as she saw me.

  "But mom, I'm so tired because of school." I said.

  "But you just started the first week." She said while giving me my plate of bacon and eggs.

  After eating breakfast, eomma ordered me to do some chores which I immidiately finished.


BFF <3 sent you a message.
:Y/N!! We'll be picking you up at 3pm. Get readyyyy!

you sent a message

:Okay, see u!

  For the meantime, I started playing some BTS songs, Fake Love specifically, then started to take a bath. After the warm bath, I put on a plain white shirt and a plaid skirt that stopped above my knees. I put on a light lipgloss and powder. After a few minutes, Jaehan texted me, telling me that they were infront of the house. I quickly got out of my room and went downstairs. I kissed my eomma goodbye then got out of the house.

   There stood Jaehan and Hyerin, smiling and waving at me.

   "Hey guys!" I greeted and gave them a hug.

   "We should get going." Hyerin said and we started walking.

   We got to the mall for a short period of time. As soon as we entered the entrance, my eyes laid on four handsome princes smiling and waving at us. I gulped and my two friends probably heard it.

   "Y/N-ah, I'm sorry. I didn't know Haknyeon-oppa and his friends were going to be here." Hyerin whispered to me. I just gave her a nod, pretending that I do not feel nervous right now.

   "Haknyeon-oppa!" Hyerin shouted and hugged her older brother.

   "Hi girls. I didn't know you would be here." Younghoon said, giving off his beautiful smile.

   "Hi Younghoon-oppa." I greeted.

   "What are you planning to do today? Why are you here?" Kevin asked us, the girls.

   "Nothing, Kevin-oppa. We just wanted to have some fun." Hyerin answered.

   "Is that so? Can we tag along?" Haknyeon asked and how could we not decline?

   We we're all smiling ang giggling at each other except for one person who seems quiet and neutral.

   "Hi, Hwall." I tried to greet him when the others where far infront and we were left behind.

   "Hey." He said, his thin lips formed into a smile.

   "Where's Juyeon-oppa?" I asked him. I don't know why, but I really missed Juyeon after our ice cream date yesterday or whatever. He was very comfortable to be with but still, I had to act all proper since I'm a shy dummie.

what should i do?// hwall (tbz)Where stories live. Discover now