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*6 months later , at home in new York *

Everyone was downstairs visiting as cole was next to me as we kissed . " Uggggh I'm so pregnant "

" I think its cute.  "

" Well anyday now "

Her growth . We talked for awhile until adds went to bed and we headed up to bed.  I snuggled up with Cole and tried to fall asleep I was very uncomfortable as I tossed and turned until I fell asleep.  I didn't get much sleep  becausee Soon my water broke.  I lightly shook Cole awake. " Mhm honey"

" Baby my water just broke.  "

" Okay let's get to the car ."

" Need some help hun"he helped me out to the car as he grab Rd my hospital bag.  Madchen and skeet came over and watched addy as we left.  I was hit with hard contractions that hurt really bad but I laid my head on Cole's shoulder trying to breath through them.  We got to the hospital and Cole calmly got a wheelchair and wheeled me inside . They took me to a room where they checked on everything and and put bands on my stomach monitering the babies as I wore a paper gown. I laid my head on. Cole's chest as he rubbed my back.  I then fell asleep.  My family and coles came in as I heard him whisper . ' shh guys ' my sisters and Dylan went to are house to watch addy . I got another contraction as I laid on my back and tried to get through.  Cole kissed my head as it ended and my mom came over to me and sat next to me. 

" How are you feeling "

" Finally ready to get this over and get these babies out. "

" I'm sorry " the doctor came in and gave me my epidural. " I will be back in 20 minutes to deliver your babies.  "

" Okay thank you. "  He left " so handsome your with me in her right.  "

" Yes of course "

" Mom are you going to be in here "

" Only if you want to . "

" If you want then I'm okay with it.  "

" Okay I'll stay with you "

" Baby can you lightly massage my lower back . "

" Yeah of course just sit forward "  I did as he lighty rubbed it for me.  I rested back into the bed as i was tired . Coles parents left the room as it was me and cole and my mom . THe doctor came back in .

" So Mrs. Sprouse we can put your feet in stirrups or we can have nurses hold your feet , It is easier if you have nurses hold your legs . " 

" Can My husband do it . " 

" Yes we will get another male nurse . "

" Thank you " They got everyone situated and there was a ton of people because were having 3 babies . Cole was next to me holding my foot and hand making sure i was comfortable . He was very sweet because he still  rubbing my back and holding my hand making sure i was as comfortable as i could be and he would say things that would make me feel better . I pushed until the first baby was born. Cole cut the umbilical cord and the baby was handed to me as she was bueatiful . They quickly took her to clean her up as i started pushing for are second . Cole had a guy nurse hold my other legas he sat next to me holding my hand and rubbing my back . It wasn't long till the second one was born . They gave her to me as cole was behind me and she made both of us smile . They took her away as we were going into are 2nd hour of delivering and i was super tired and really just was not having it . It was 7 in the morning and i started to push for the third . It took another 2 hours but finally are third beautiful baby girl was born . I fell back into coles arms as are three babies were sleeping in cribs . They cleaned me up and left me to rest . " I'm so exhausted " 

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