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I woke up around 9 from a call i quickly answered and left so Cole wouldn't wake up since he is still a bit sick . I kissed his head then walked to the living room . " Hello " 

" Hey is this lili " 

" Yeah its me dylan is everything okay " 

" How is Cole doing " 

" He is okay just having a rough time . " 

" I'm so sorry for my dad he feels terrible . " 

" Its fine he just has had so much stress on him and everyone is wanting something from him and he just got sick yesterday so that call broke him . " 

" Yeah i heard him crying " 

"Yeah your dad hurt him a lot " 

" can he talk to him because he isn't answering his phone . " 

" Yeah he chucked it at the floor in anger then broke down crying . " i heard a sigh in the background as i knew his dad was listening . Cole then very sleeply came down the stairs with a blanket ." Baby you left me whats going on. " His voice was still raspy but coming back. 

" The phone rang and I didn't want to wake you up.  "

" Okay can you come back up soon . "

" Actually the call is for you.  " I then turned to the phone and said.  " If you say one mean or rude thing to him I will drive there and hurt you to.  "

" Calm down Lili we won't " I handed it over to him. 

" Hello " he said barely keeping his eyes open he was so tired.  " Yeah , thank you "  I went to him as he laid his head on my shoulder . Every once in a while he just mumbled as he was falling asleep . Then he fell asleep I quickly grabbed my phone .

" Hello "

" Where did cole go.  "

" Uh yeah he just passed out on my shoulder standing up so give me a second I'm going to put him to bed. "

" Ok " I brought the phone with me .

" Honey come on let's go to bed.  "

" Mmk " he mumbled . I took him up to bed . " Night. " He smiled as I tucked him in .

" I'll be back In a minute just sleep . "He nodded as I kissed his head and left.  " Hey Im back "I say as I sit on the stairs .

"Thank you for letting us talk to him "Dylan says.

" Yeah thank you for apologising "

" Yeah no problem have fun "

" Thanks bye "  I hung up then went to the bed and cuddled with Cole.  My mom came in and work us up around 3. " Whats up "

" It's 3 you guys need to pack since your leaving tomorrow.  "

" Yeah I know but my poor baby is still not feeling the best. " I laid my head lightly on his . " I just feel bad for him and want to make sure he is comfortable and safe and feels loved.  "

" You to are meant to be . " He smiled and kissed my cheek. 

" Love you "

" I love you to handsome , are you feeling better "

" Yeah I can pack I'm feeling a little better. "

" No over dueing baby your still sick and I really want you to take it easy.  "

" I will"  I kissed his nose and he smiled .

" You to are adorable and I can't wait to see you guys get married and have kids" Cole got a giant smile.

" What are you smiling about."

" The thought of us having kids and being married makes me happy ," I smiled and kissed him gently.  " This is my future wife " he says laughing a little.

" You think your cute huh.  " He nods.  " I love you "

" I love you too."  We shared a kiss and my mom left as we started to pack.  We got everything done around 8 so we pretty much said goodbye to everyone since we're leaving really early.  And the snuggled together passing out. 

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