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I woke up in the morning around 4 to the lovely morning sickness that i have so i ran too the bathroom and Cole followed after me as i puked anything and everything in my system . Cole lightly rubbed my back and held my hair back gently . I laid back in his arms as he rubbed my arm and kissed my hair . "Want to get breakfast because we have to leave in an 2 hours . "

"Sure , everyone is probably up anyway i always wake them up . "

" No you don't your fine Addy is still out like a light ."

" Okay "

" What do you feel like eating , is there anything your stomach can handle . "

" Ice cream "

" Okay "He grabbed a tub and gave it to me the grabbed two spoons   He sat next to me and we ate ice cream for breakfast .My mom and Chloe came down and sat at the table .

" Ice cream for breakfast . "

" Only thing these babies can handle . "

" Ahh i'm sorry . "

" Yep and we go on a plane in 2 hours . "

" Well is addy asleep . "

" Yeah but we have to wake her up in an hour . :"I then held Coles hand while laying my head on his shoulder ." Ugh i still have 6 months left and i already have a giant bump

"You look adorable "

" thanks , I'll be back " I ran off to the bathroom as Cole followed right behind me. 

" I'm sorry peanut "he lightly rubbed my back . And when I finished puking the ice cream I just ate I brushed my teeth and walked with Cole back to the table . Luckly the ice cream got put aways because if I smelt it I would have puked.  " They don't like food today "

" Yeah can you make me soup please "

" Yeah of course what kind "

" Tomato "he started to make my food as i laid my head on the table . My mom rubbed my back lightly as i kept my head on the table . " Thanks " 

" of course " 

" So whats going on , how are you feeling "

" Like crap , i feel like i have been hit with a car then ran over again with tons of extra weight attached to me and an upset stomach that makes me throw up anything i eat . " 

" Aww you poor thing can you take any meds to help . "

" No i can't . " 

" I'm sorry honey maybe you should just take it easy " 

" Yeah i will once i get to there house . " 

" Okay do you have anything to help this " 

" My vitamins but thats it " Then cole came out with some tomato soup and a grilled cheese . " Aww you made a grilled cheese . " 

" i just thought you might want something solid but you absolutely don't have to eat it only if you want . "

" Thank you handsome " I kissed his cheek and he sat next to me . "I love you baby " 

" I love you to " We shared a kiss as i ate slowly . Once i finished eating i rested on Cole's shoulder . " Is it settling well " 

" Yeah , i think i'll keep this down " 

" Thats good We still have an half an hour so if you want i'll lay with you " 

" Its okay we can do whatever . " 

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