Her words instantly make you shocked.

You aren't able to respond at all because it is too sudden.

Then, the nurse brings you back to reality.

"You can go now, sweetheart. Make sure to close the door tightly, okay?"

You stutter for a while.

"Y-yes, thank you."

Then, you walk out of the room and go straight home with the nurse's words replaying in your mind.


"Alright, so we are here for a meeting of the second stage in this competition. I know it has been so long that you almost forget about it, but here i am, reminding you about it again."

Kakashi says cheerfully, somehow looking so annoying.

Shikamaru scoffs.

"Can't we just get straight to the point? Has the question arrived?"

He says in his usual rebellious tone.

Of course, he just wants everything to end as soon as possible.

Kakashi clasps his hands together.

"Alright then, I'll begin explaining."


Sasuke interjects.

"(Name) is still not here. Shouldn't we wait for her?"

He asks indifferently, not wanting to sound concerned. Even when he actually is.

"Oh, i forgot about that. (Name) won't attend our meeting today. She is sick. I received a letter from the nurse this afternoon saying that she went home already. Seems like her condition is quite bad. Never mind, sasuke. I will explain to her personally tomorrow. Well, tomorrow is saturday and all, but as a good teacher i must not abandon my student. So don't worry, alright?"

Sasuke remains silent.

"So shall we continue?"

Temari, neji and shikamaru nod simultaneously at kakashi's question.

Meanwhile, sasuke is extremely disturbed by the thought of you not being here. He wants to know why you ran away from him this morning. He is curious as to what causes you to run away like that. He just wants to know the truth badly.

"Sasuke. Do not space out when I'm talking."

Kakashi scolds him and sasuke just nods forcefully.

Then, kakashi continues.

"So for this stage, as i told you before, you need to come out with a formula to solve all the questions given. In other words, you need to create one formula to solve everything. There are five questions given and the answers are already there. So this time, you are not required to complete these questions but to come out with the formula itself."

"This is crazy." Shikamaru starts conplaining, as usual.

"I know it is, but that is what all of you have to do. So right now, I'm going to give one question to each of you, and you may use you winter leave next week to finish it. You guys have a one-week leave, right? Use it properly to come out with possible formulas."

"So we're sacrifising our holidays now? Ughhh, what a paaaaiinnnnn."

Shikamaru whines again.

Neji and temari only sighs at the thought of not being able to spend the holidays as they wish.

(Sasuke X Reader) The Eyes That CaptureOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora