lonely girl ❁ z.h

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this is a segment from Lonely Girl my first book x
just to fill you in the 3 girls; abigail (main), mabel and darcy are at the mall when darcy attacks abi

this is a segment from Lonely Girl my first book xjust to fill you in the 3 girls; abigail (main), mabel and darcy are at the mall when darcy attacks abi

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imzachherron crashing into you 🖤


"Wow Abi, those shorts?" Half smiling at Mabel, I realised what she meant about Darcy being rude because she was exactly that. Her frizzy orange tinged hair swam around her oval, disgusted face and button nose covered in freckles. Her opinion was like sharp knifes digging into my side at the moment and I don't know how much more I could take of arrogance and grouchiness. She was slouched,her back on the mirror, seated on a small blue chair in the changing rooms and nobody could change her mood, not even a few cute guys walking past.

"Yes Darcy, they are cute" sternly I see making deep eye contact with her, for a shy girl I don't like getting pushed around.

"I agree ab! They suit you a lot" Mabel pitches in. We never admitted it but both Mabel and I knew we were close. When Darcy was with us she was literally third wheeling our friendship and I kind of didn't feel bad. I smile at her turning around to catch a glimpse of my thighs and butt that surprising looked okay in the denim and sequin shorts.

"I might have to get them." I hesitantly chuckle making Darcy roll her eyes, I guess Ma was right about her...

She's snobby, rude, arrogant and not kind to you Ab. I'm not saying who your friends should be but I know bad trouble when I see it! Ma yelled into the kitchen room. Replaying the moment I turn my attention back to the grumpy girl.

"Can we just leave? I don't want to be at the mall anymore" she says standing, her eyes turning cold as the wall slowly was being built between us and Darcy. We both stood still instead of following like what we had been expected. Standing up for ourselves was something we'd hardly ever do but my shopping time wasn't going to be disregarded because of her dumb mood.

"Girls. I said we are leaving!" She screams quietly into the rooms echoing off the mirrors. I shift on my feet a little awkwardly as Mabel stares down at the fitting rooms beige carpet and her new black adidas. She grunts flinging the bird at us before stomping
out tripping a little on the curtains. I'm half gobsmacked but actually happy that she was finally gone and my soul could be left in peace of the room. Minutes passed in completely silent until Mabel looses it, air escaping her mouth laughing, joining I pull down the shorts pulling my jeans back up still laughing at Darcy's so called "Tantrum". That's what I loved about Mabel always laughing everything off.

"That should have been videoed" chuckling I say passing my debit card over the counter to the blue haired women.

"I don't even know who she thinks she is! Especially after that" Mabel snickers causing a curious stare from the H&M cashier. Nodding along with the whole story Mabel was recounting, we reached Starbucks to get a tea and coffee. Struggling to drink coffee everyday I sipped my iced lemon tea as Mabel continued to ramble, allowing for my mind to drift a little while keeping in the conversation. The vibe of the little Starbucks was different to most due to its lack of customers but beautiful couches and booths, there really was never more then 10 people in the small shop. The smell of coffee always hung in the air and quirky people sat on their laptops maybe even writing a heart reaching story or an amazing play, anything really could happen in a Starbucks. I had seen a little kid run around on an absolute high due to the high caffeine once. Swaying a little to the music in the background, I listen into Mabel speak more closely. Tucking her short blonde hair behind her ears she smiles her award winning grin and freckles danced across her nose as she continues her story.

"I don't even know Abigail, do you think I should help my sister even though she's only 14 with makeup?"

"Yes Mab, she probably needs it for self esteem issues. Be a mother to her and give her a little confidence" I wink making Mabel laugh. She knew lots about me even though we'd only been friends since Freshman. People often wondered how'd we meet as I was in online schooling and she was in a public school located on the outer skirts of Los Angeles, I did too. All I remember was the day she walked into my work and convinced me to have a random sleepover with her even though we'd never met. That night I had never felt more alive then I had felt in my life and knowing I would come out of the experience with a bestfriend which was an awesome feeling for a lonely girl.

"I know this is really random but my boyfriend just broke up with me and you seem really nice... would you like to have a sleepover with me."  Tears and mascara running down her cheeks, I walked around the counter pulling her into a hug and smiled yes. I smile slightly at the memory and the outburst of confidence which I still had.

"I guess you are right... shall we go to another shop?"

"Yes, Mmmm I don't know which one though..."

"How about Urban Outfitters, I haven't been there in a while." I agree and place my now empty cup into the trash can close to our dark red seat exiting the store as the bell ran over the door.


The fabric moves between my fingertips, the touch of the soft materials nice. I really didn't know what Mabel meant by "overalls dress" she'd seen online I had never seen it in my life. Now I was searching a massive store in search of these god damn overalls my arms growing tired while still searching for nice things for myself. Blouse... crop top...jeans... jacket... tank...
Rounding the corner of the rows of clothes, my chest is pushed to the ground, shocking my limbs as I feel a heavy weight land on top of me squeezing the last bit of air I had out of my lungs. My head hurt a little but I don't summon a reaction to what had just happen. Dark brown eyes stared back at mine and it was the weirdest feeling as he quickly rolled off me, his hand rustling through his brunette hair before lending me a hand to pull me off the ground. His eyebrows furrowed in concern as his pink lips curved slightly at the edges. I recognise his silly smirk in an instant as I find my feet.

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry! Wait have we meet before..?"

"It's fine honestly, I just, argh, um looking for something-" I barely whisper to him, my head tilted down at my shoes as I start to step around him.

"You are the girl I saw this morning!" I walk a little more past him, my hand brushing against his slightly. My breath catches, my palms slightly sweaty.

"I ahhhhm have to go. Bye." My legs dash slightly exiting the isle towards the rooms again my veins in my wrists popping out, why was I like this

"Hey, wait!" Hearing him calling to me scared me even more but the overall dress comes into my view making me sprint towards its pale pink then charging down the shop to the fitting rooms. My face was flushed in embarrassment. Wow good going runs from a hot boy.

"Ab, what's wrong?" Looking over I see Mabel in her original clothes with a strange glance on her face but I knew exactly what was going through her head

"Nothing! I found your overalls!"


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