dangerous ❁ d.s

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(lil update: going to write in first person most of the time now) also this is gonna be a long one x

(lil update: going to write in first person most of the time now) also this is gonna be a long one x

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liked by imzachherron and 182, 083 others
seaveydaniel cursed


The cloudy air coiled around the thick pines of my new town. After my parents passed in the flames of my childhood house I moved to the dark mysterious place of my Aunty's which she was hardly ever around letting myself feel trapped in a horror movie scene. Her pale walls lined with old photos in thick frames and disgusting carpets was now all I was used to apart from the boundaries of the local high school. It was always bland around here and as much as I was scared of the dark, I wanted the mystery to seep into my blood and bring rich excitement in my life. But as usual anything I even just hoped for was thrown down the drain, my parents coming to my graduation, finding a nice guy, my Aunty coming home early to have dinner, having really good friends but as usual nothing happened.

"Help them! Please!" The heat had burnt my face and my limbs covered in ashes. The dog was panting and the roof was in a blaze of oranges and hot yellows.  The foundation of my house collapsing from weekness taking all my childhood and closing a curtain on my relationship with my mother and father

"They have to be okay, they have to be" I whispered as the firefighter wrapped a blanket around me and held onto me tight, her sympathetic smile piercing my eyes.

"It's okay" she whispered as I shook violently within her arms, they were gone and I had nothing left of them.

I jolted up in bed panting, in a pool of sweat. Calming my breathing I stared at my fluttering curtains swearing I had closed the window before falling asleep but realised I was dreaming as usual. It's 5:47am and for the summer nights here, it was still dark and cloudy like every day in this scum of a town. I knew their would be no chance of myself catching an hour more of sleep so I pulled the sheets off my legs swinging into the bathroom, turning the hot water on and slipping my body into the steam. It's just going to be another day at my lousy school with fake people, depressed people or kids who actually could get out of here. I didn't fall into any category but felt sometimes I related with the kids who's smile never lifted to their face or found enjoyment in anything the school offered. I sighed turning off the water and chucking my leggings and my large sweatshirt on, tying my hair.  I waddled past Aunt Josephine's room seeing her position crazy amongst the sheets, I guess she had a late night or shall I say early morning. I had only been at my new school for a week and I was wondering if maybe on my second things would change for the better...


The hallways were busy this morning with kids shoving me in multiple directions making me feel useless but really what else was I. I had science first and for the past week I had been sitting alone due to odd amount of students in my class but as I pushed through the heavy door late I saw the whole class turn their head and the teacher gesture for the last seat next to a boy I'd never seen. His hair was brown, on the darker side, pushed upwards and eyes the colour of a vibrant blue surrounded by a darker colour swirling around the iris, anyone could see he was stunning. I nervously shuffled over to the lab tables placing my stuff down gently his eyes never leaving me till I was seated on the stool where he moved his gaze to the window outside. We spent the whole lesson not sharing a word until we packed all our books away and he stood silently before half whispering the name, Daniel, as his long, thinish legs stride out the room. I just glanced in the direction of the door wondering of the past event but still stumbled out into the hallways, shoving my books in my locker before making it to the cafeteria slowly. I didn't want to sit by myself again but I had no friends what was I meant to do. I slid the tray pouring good knows what into a part of it when a voice picked up

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