Tobi: "Vanessa will be fine. I told her I'd do this one so she can go home and visit family."

Li: "Aren't you nice, and what about your own channel? It seems more and more likely now a days that YouTubers that have been around for a number of years have lost interest in it."

JJ: "It's a bit hard when YouTube demonitizes you for fucking breathing at this stage."

Josh: "That guys still outside taking photos."

Li: "Trying to start a scandal, Won't be hard to discredit."

As I had finished my own meal, I had my phone on the bench loaded into Twitter, waiting for the status to show up and lo and behold, only about 6 minutes later. A tweet sent out using the #Sidemen.

Li: "Aw he even tagged you all how nice."

JJ: "Anything bad?"

Li: "No just that meeting your heroes was nothing but a disappointment and he hopes Karma comes and kicks your ass for being horrible people."

@liweigh: "Well if you weren't a racist and ignorant little shit I'm sure they would have enjoyed your company, but you weren't. Next."

JJ: "You are really quick."

Li: "I'm good at what I do."

Ethan: "Are we all finished boys?"

Harry: "Vik should be done by now. Wouldn't he?"

Simon again flinched, again kicking Harry in the leg. And that started setting off red flags.

Li: "Simon make sure your free later, We need to talk."

Simon: "What about?"

Li: "Just some small, light things. Like making sure the person that helps you guys grow doesn't decide to change his tactics and throw you under the bus for withholding secrets from him about his boyfriend."

Simon: "Sure, specific, but sounds good."

Josh: "Could just say it..."

Simon: "We are going to head off, Li I'll talk to you later, Make sure you Ask how they are all going for us yeah?"

Li: "Oh I will. I'm sure they will be honest with me too."

Tobi: "Right, Simon, Honesty."

Simon: "I'm not the only one."

JJ: "You're fucked."

Tobi: "Anyway, Li it has been good to see, regardless what he says. Can you please let Caitlin know I want to record with her sometime."

Li: "Will do. I mean, you could just message her yourself but I will. I'll talk to you guys later."

About an hour later, after driving through traffic into the other side of London. I pulled up at the old converted office building for one of the more mature and cleaner groups I've worked for.

Michael: "Hey Li, bit early aren't you?"

Li: "I need to see Caitlin about Tobi recording with her, but I doubt she will, and then talk to Head 3."

Head three being Michael, Jack and Lewis. The three that created GRA, one of the most progressive group of friends on YouTube. Between them all being so uniquely different, they all worked so well together.

Michael: "OK, Well head on in, I think EP is doing a sewing stream right now."

Li: "Oh cute, how's the dress coming along?"

Michael: "Really well actually, I can't wait to try it out on Friday night."

Li: "Congrats on getting a gig, anyway I'll talk to you later."

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