"Nick...Nikolai Spencer, don't worry it's against the laws for us to hunt you again. Unless you kill one of us." I assured softly.  

"You work evenings at the coffee shop on the corner of Vander and Lane!" She gasped.  

"So I do...sometimes. I can't seem to remember for the life of me to get there on time. Or I have to leave early. The boss tends to be ticked at me. None of the others ever come in though...it's too dangerous! My boss suspects what I am, but he has to have proof or the kill doesn't count." I laughed.  

"People try to kill you and you work for them? You are insane!" She growled.  

"It's a dog eat dog world out there. And it makes it easier to live with myself if I know where the nearest hunter is. That way if I screw up, he's there to clean up the mess." I laughed at her expression. "Oh please! Everyone's always going on about the freedom animals have, all they have is restrictions too. The forest is almost gone, everyday I have the double burden of living in a world of humans and of animals. They didn't think of the things I do when they said it would be wonderful."  

"You should see a shrink about the whole working for someone who wants to kill you thing." She suggested.  

"Oh right because Lycanthropy is so much better than suicidal thoughts?" I asked. "Ever seen Wolf-man?" Her expression said it all.  

"Sorry...I didn't think of that reference. I'm Roze with a 'Z', by the way." She smiled, and looked around.  

"Isn't that a unusual name? What's it short for?" I asked.  

"Rozelynn." She wrinkled her nose. "My parents must have been high when they named me." She laughed once. "Oh god they're so going to kill me!"  

"Have any issues with lying?" I asked suddenly. "Well it's only partially a lie, some of it's true."  

"I can lie if I need to." She admitted. "Did you concoct a story that paints you as the good guy."  

"No, you know me from The Coffee Shoppe. The rest is up to you...a kidnapping story is highly likely with as battered and dirty as you look. My cars this way...I'll be dressed when we make it into town. Or I could just give you the keys."  

"I don't have my license on me, you'll have to drive me into town." She frowned. "I dropped my purse when he grabbed me and kicked it into the bushes accidentally as he dragged me away." The black '69 Camero sat on an old logging road. I reached up under the front fender and grabbed the keys from the magnetic box. I opened the trunk, and handed her the keys.  

"Umm. Go sit in the car...and pop the hood. I've got to get dressed, and I usually don't have company." I said pointedly.  

"Oh! Okay I get your point." She got in the car and pulled the hood latch. I slid off my soaked jeans and pulled on dry black jeans, and a tight black shirt, I grabbed socks and my boots and went up to sit in the car with Roze. I laced the boots.  

"Now I've got to do some work under the hood so she'll start. I take her apart so that no one can steal her." I smiled wickedly and shut the door.  

"Do you have a flashlight?"  

"Nope...wolves are nocturnal." I answered, I took the battery from the trunk and hooked it back up, then hooked the plug wires back where they belonged. I also put the carburetor back on the car. I shut the hood and slid behind the steering wheel. I turned over the switch and she fired right up purring like a kitten. I turned on the heater angling the vents towards her. "So here's the deal, I'll be thrown in jail initially, so it's up to you to get me out or leave me in. You're a minor...right?" I asked.  

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