prince ❁ j.m◦

Start from the beginning

I couldn't believe my eyes as my eyes read his letter in the way we'd spoken the night of the ball

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I couldn't believe my eyes as my eyes read his letter in the way we'd spoken the night of the ball. But I was leaving and he was finally returning for me, with silence I found a small trunk the size of a placemat and began putting my most prized positions in including an old teddy bear, a detailed hand mirror, clips, my paint brushes and paint, a favourite book and a few pieces of clothing from my wardrobe. Shutting the clasps, I secretly hide it under the bed as Isabella opened the door with a tray of food balancing on her hands. Seeing my flustered state, she puts the plate down before rushing to my side

"art thee well enow princess? what hath happened

"I am well enow. He's coming, jonah is coming"

I awaited in the palace, looking at my soon to be old room that was always bare but felt like it missed my soul without my possessions.  Isabella had discussed my way out and how she would make sure my parents were asleep. My body shook in its skin at the thought of being free from this tortuous life and even if I might not be rich in money no longer, I would still have Jonah - hopefully forever.

As the clock struck 11:45pm I placed pillows under my blankets to create the illusion, slide the trunk out from underneath the bed and grabbed my grandfathers old 'car' jacket that had hung in my room for ages. He was one of the only kings who despised the life he was born into but found ways to bring the princess of his dreams to the castle and craved thrills like being in a fast vehicle. Sitting down at my mirror I saw the utter fear but thrill in my eyes that my grandpa had helped and felt happy as Isabelle opened the door, a face of sadness looming on her but happy for me as she lead me down the back servant ways. Our plan was that if anyone saw us, she was carrying medication and I was ridiculously unwell with a serve cold. She held my hand as we made it near the guards positioning and her little pocket watched clicked 12am as the guards stepped in. She kissed my cheek and passed me a letter before I ran in my night dress with the brown leather suitcase out the doors silently, running further out of the gardens I fell still.

my whole word was changing, I was doing this. what would become of me? would Jonah always be there for me or was this just false reality?

"(y/n)" frightened I jumped as he breathed out my name into the cold and all bad thoughts melted away as I saw his smile. Sitting tall upon a chestnut horse, Jonah jumped off, his shirt outlining his broad shoulders and his features blessing my sight. Desperately I swung into his arms, my hands wrapping around his neck and bringing his lips down to mine. He smiled grabbing my hips before we both pulled away in a rush.

"quick we must leave" I whispered passing him my small trunk which he clips to the horses side before he heaved up onto the mare. Lending his hand down he pulls me up easily and instantly I feel at home, with him and riding a horse. When younger, I rode my uncles horses across the hills and down to the river where when no one was looking, I would swim in barely anything. With a yank of the reins, Jonah sends the horse into a flying gallop.

This is my new life and I've never wanted something more.


6 months have passed since I ran in my night dress with the aid of Isabella through the front doors secretly. The air flows through the small cottage, the smell of flowers filling the room around us. Gently his fingers strum the strings of an old guitar, that has a bright birchwood frame and is loved dearly by him. I sit reading a book by the window on a pile of cushions, a pair of my own pants on my legs- Jonah believed in equality and always let me where them.

Working at her own pace in the kitchen, Isabelle bakes a pie, fondling the pastry into a beautiful masterpiece on top. A few months after I read her letter, I invited her to come live in the small back house of our cottage and she happily accepted. She constantly tried to do all our work like laundry but we declined and now she is more of a mother than either of us have ever had.

"you are quite magnificent at the guitar" I whisper into the warm air, he smiles standing up from the arm chair before placing a soft kiss on my lips. Looking into his eyes, I play with my wedding ring happily,

"you are quite magnificent dear" he smiles


second last!!!! x

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