"I know." He smiled leaning forward and kissing my shoulder. "You're a good kisser by the way."

"So are you."

His eyes lingered to the side of my neck and he reached up gently gripping the roots of my hair. He tilted my head so he could get a better look and he placed light kisses on a few spots. "I um...I got a little carried away I think."

I laughed and looked back down to him. "It's okay. I knew it was happening."

"I wonder what Namjoon hyung would say." He giggled taking his fingers and lightly traced them across my skin.

"He'll probably get jealous." I scoffed just thinking about it.

"Jealous that I gave you hickeys?" he asked a little concerned.

I laughed. "No, jealous that I was the one who got the hickeys."

He pulled back and raised an eye brow. "Huh?"

"Namjoon like boys and girls." I smiled as his eyes went wide. "And he happens to think you are dripping with sex...not that I disagree." His surprised expression turned into a smirk. "So what I say he's going to be jealous...I mean he is going to take one good look at all these marks and wish he was the one straddling you instead." I chuckled. "Or maybe that you were straddling him...but you get my point."

"Wow...I never would have guessed that about him." he said putting his hand back on my hip.

"Does that bother you?"

"Not at all." He smiled.

"Good." I smiled back. "Because he told me before you picked me up that he liked you and thought you guys could be friends."

"Really? That would be awesome, I'd love that."

I took a minute to really look at Taehyung. Not the handsome, toned, and incredibly sexy man, but the person deep down. Not only did he not have a problem with the fact that I slept with my bisexual best friend, but he's okay with being friends with him? There has to be something wrong with him...this cant be real.

"You cant be real." I whispered to him placing my forehead on his.


"Because you're so sweet and kind...you're accepting and drama free...who are you?"

He smiled again. "I'm Kim Taehyung. I'm a server at Jinnies Bar and Grill and a Bartender at the Kim Country Club. I have a very small Pomeranian dog name Tannie that drives my brother crazy. Oh...and I live with my brother...in his house. I am hoping that one day my luck with change and I will score a contract with a modeling agency, and I really like taking pictures." He looked at me with a bit of concern when I didn't respond. He took a deep breath and sat up a bit straighter so that he was eye level with me. "Not all men are pigs, Noona. Not all of us are just trying to get into a woman's pants. Has the thought about you naked beneath me squirming in pleasure crossed my mind more than once this evening? Yes. But I didn't plan on acting on anything other than kissing. I wasn't going to touch you anywhere where your bathing suit covers you, and I wasn't going to pressure you into a second date if I thought you weren't enjoying yourself. I'm not going to try to play you, and I certainly wont buy another woman a drink while I'm on a date with you." I let out a giggle at that part. "I have no intentions on trying to further anything with you if my heart isn't in it...I want to get to know you. Not just your lips." He said as he tapped my lower lip.

I smiled and looked down. "Okay."

"Have you found a little more faith in humanity?" He smiled.

"I think so." I said softly and slowly. I leaned forward and pressed my forehead against his as I couldn't contain my smile.

"I'm glad." He replied. "And as much as I am enjoying my time with you right now, I think its about time I get you home."

I nodded and before I could climb off of him he lifted me as he walked towards the stairs. He stopped, allowing me to put my legs down and climb out of water. We dryed off and dressed and he held my had as he guided me back through the lobby and to his car. when he turned to lock the door, he struggled to make his key work again. I mimicked my earlier motion, flicking my finger in the air to make his key work. He turned over to me and smiled opening the passenger side door. He held my hand and hummed along to the music in the car. His thumb strummed along the back of my hand and I closed my eyes to focus on the feeling. When we reached my house it felt like a movie; he walked me to my front door and before I opened my door we turned to one another.

"Thank you, I had a really really good time. It was the best first date I think I have ever had." I smiled.

"Believe it or not, me too." He smiled.

I leaned forward and gave him a soft kiss on the corner of his mouth. "Goodnight Taehyung, I look forward to hearing from you again...soon." I winked.

He broke out into a smile but before he could respond I tunred and opened my front door. I stepped in and closed it behind me leaning back on the door. I took a deep breath and slid down the door letting out a deep breath.

I turned to my side and saw Jinx sitting there staring at me.

"What?" I couldn't help but smile. "It was awesome Jinxie..."

He stepped forward and curled up on my lap purring. He was happy for me...and his feeling was the same as mine, a good one....Taehyung was a good one.

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