6: Unexpected Efforts

Start from the beginning

The smile he displayed was genuine and he nodded eagerly looking behind me. He waved to Namjoon and followed me into the living room. Namjoon stood and embraced him in a bro-hug as he also took his hand.

"It's good to see you again hyung." Tae smiled. "Did you hang out with Noona all day?" he asked sitting next to him.

"No, I just got here a few hours ago. I had to help Noona pick out a bathing suit." He said wiggling his eye brows.

Damnit Joon.  I glared at him deeply hoping he could hear the shouting in my head for him to SHUT HIS BIG MOUTH.

Tae let out a sexy laugh and looked me over. "I sure hope I'll like it."

I was a bit shocked at his playful attitude. But I couldn't help but to like it.

"Oh, I don't think you'll be disappointed." Namjoon replied also eyeing me.

"Okay...well then glad you both got reacquainted." I said as I plopped on the side chair.

Just then Jinx came up and sat in front of Tae giving him a suspicious look.

Tae turned to look at him widening his eyes a little. "Is it just me or is your cat mean mugging me?"

"He is." Namjoon said.

Jinx then jumped suddenly onto Tae's chest putting his face right into his. Of course I told Jinx about my date. He's not just any cat. He found me when he was a kitten as soon as I was born, just like all the women in my family. He won't/can't die unless I do. Regular cat and also a supernatural being. He was warning Taehyung to be good to me, kneading him in the process.

"Wow his eye's are so green!" He smiled as he placed a gentle hand on Jinx's ears. "And he's such a deep black color, beautiful." He started to scratch him behind the ears and Jinx lost his concentration. He leaned into Tae's touch and started to purr so loud the entire room could hear him.

"He must really like you." I said with a smrik watching Namjoon's distraught face.

"Traitor." He growled.

Jinx simply ignored him and laid on Taehyung's chest allowing him to pet his fur softly. "He's so soft too...I love cats."

"He's aright..." Namjoon was sour and crossed his arms across his chest glaring at the feline on Tae's chest. Jinx turned to look at him rolling his eyes.

"I have a dog." Tae said. Jinx shot his look back at Tae with his eyes a little wide. "Oh, I don't think he liked that." He giggled continuing to pet him. "He's really nice, and really playful. Like an annoying little brother." He said to Jinx. "His name is Tannie."

If only Tae knew what Jinx was thinking. I laughed at the scene in front of me. "Alright, are we going to sit here and fawn over the cat?"

Tae laughed in return. "No. But I hope to see you again one day." He smiled to Jinx. He jumped off of Tae and jumped up to the highest platform of his cat tower ignoring Namjoon in the process.

Tae and I got up and made our way to the door but before I left I turned around. "You're not going to empy my fridge are you?"

"Oh, Noona your leftovers are in there. You know that the way to my heart is with food." He smiled placing his hand over his chest.

I rolled my eyes. "Just lock up with you leave...and be gone by the time I get back. And feed Jinx."

"Yes ma'am." He said winking. I heard Tae laughing and we walked out closing the door behind us.

We didn't say much on the way to his car, but he did open the door for me which I thanked him for. When he got into the car he turned on the radio on low and smiled.

"Thank you for going on a date with me...I hope you have fun."

"I do too." I smiled at him.

A song came on the radio and he started singing along in a very silly manor. He was very animated and I knew the song myself so I joined in at the chorus. Once the song was over we were both laughing.

"I have to hand it to ya Noona, for an old lady, so far you know how to have fun." He wiggled his eye brows.

"Hey!" I protested. "Just because my body is old doesn't mean my soul is."

He laughed and we continued singing along to songs for the drive. We pulled up to a fancy looking building that almost looked like a palace. He parked in the half circle driveway and got out. I followed and my eyes widened even more when I saw how beautiful the sculptures outside the front doors were. The glass of the windows were a light blue and the outside lights were more elegant than anything I had ever seen before.

Tae walked up next to me and took my hand. "Pretty isn't it?"

"It's stunning. Where are we?" I asked looking back at him slightly squeezing his tand.

He smiled to me and pulled me as he started walking to the front door. "I work here sometimes too, not just at Jinnie's. It's closed now so we have everything to ourselves."

"Won't you get in trouble?"

"Mmm...maybe but my brother owns it." He said as he tried unlocking the door.

"Your brother owns a lot of businesses." I smirked.

"Just three." He said looking back. He continued to struggle with the lock. "I hate this thing, our maintenance guy is so lazy, I've asked him to change this lock so many times." I pulled my hand up to scratch behind my head, and it doing so I made a flicking motion and just then th key turned. "Got it." He said.

I held back a tiny giggle as he pulled me into the huge lobby. The only thing we could hear was the loud echo of our steps and once we made it to the other set of double doors he stopped and turned to me with a smirk on his face.


I nodded eagerly and he backed into the door opening it up. When I stepped outside the door, the first thing I saw was a huge underground pool. It had a high fountain right in the middle with water shooting up, and pouring over into the pool. I walked towards the water taking my sandals off once I got to the edge. I took hold of the step railing to steady myself and stuck my toes in. The water was warm and refreshing all in one. I was so enthralled with the water, I did not notice a creeping Taehyung coming up from behind me.

"Yah!" he shouted as he took hold of my waist. He pushed me forwars slightly making my heart jerk in sudden fright but then he pulled me back into his chest as to not fall into the water.

"OH MY GOD TAEHYUUUUUG." I whined loudly. He only laughed and steadied me back on my feet.

"I'm sorry...I couldn't help myself." He said continuing to giggle.

I placed my hand over my heart. "You scared the fuck out of me." I deadpanned but unable to hide my smile.

"I take it back." He said in the midst of laughing. "I'm not sorry...that was hilarious."

I lunged at him slightly and he jumped back. "To slow." He said mockingly.

"Oh I'll get you back...just wait."

He laughed and gestured for me to follow him. We rounded towards the other side of the pool and I saw a small picnic set up on one of the tables. There were small finger foods that looked mouthwatering.

I wont lie. I stood there astounded. Here was a man, 4 ½ years younger than myself, and he put so much thought, and what seemed to be effort into this date. I turned towards him and melted at the smile he had on his face. This might just turn out to be much more than I ever expected.

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