Young Wizard part 48

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"Go ahead and use up all your energy and then I'll have fried fairy for supper to night," the evil Oliver said.

"Why are you doing this?" Gwen asked.

"I guess I can tell you anyway, because you'll be my girlfriend soon," the evil Oliver said.

"There's no way I'll ever be your girlfriend," Gwen shouted.

"When Oliver arrives to save you, I'll wipe his memory, take over his body and all his powers and then I'll be the great wizard," the evil Oliver said.

"You horrible monster," Gwen shouted.

"Quit try to sweet talk me, girlfriend, because it's time to bring Oliver down here," he said.

The evil Oliver raised his red glowing hands to the ceiling of the throne room. With in seconds the rock ceiling turned into an upside down red liquid pool that shimered.

Above in castle's courtyard Landor, Celesta walked with Oliver. They decided ask the good magical spheres for advice.  Strangely, Oliver's foot became stuck in the grass. He tried to free himself as Landor and Celesta continued to walk.

The grass and ground had turned into a quicksand like state. Landor and Celesta turned around only to see Oliver vanish into the grass. They ran over to that spot and the ground had turned hard once more.

"Oliver's gone," Celesta said.

"Yes and all we can do for now is wait," Landor said.

"You knew this was going to happen?" Celesta asked.

"Yes, and now Oliver doesn't have to waste time hunting the evil Oliver," he said.

"Who do you thinks going to win?" she asked.

"I looked in my crystal ball to find out and it wouldn't show me, then I thought about all the times that I was worried about Oliver. I thought back to the evil spider, the three dragons, a whole gargoyle army, an evil sphere, Gorgal and Demona and then I laughed, because no one has beat him yet," Landor said.

"I know but I'm still worried," Celesta said.

"Me too," Landor said.

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