Young Wizard part 29

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Back in the under ground palace. Gorgal had Demonya floating in the air in front of him, as his right hand glows red.

"How did you know that Oliver had became the Great Wizard?" he hollered.

"I don't know what your talking about,"Demonya insisted.

Gorgal turned his hand and Demonya flipped up side down and her good magical crystal fell out of her pocket then crashed on the marble floor. It cracked in half. A small tornado appeared with pink and blue crystal swirled around and sucked up the two half's then vanished.

"Well then what was that?" Gorgal hollered.

The three evil magical spheres appeared in Gorgals throne room Gorgal released Demonya and she ran to the wall. Gorgal fell on his knees.

"How can I serve my masters?" he asked.

"You have blundered every thing," Hideous said while floating around Gorgal.

"How could you not have seen this coming?" Insidious angrily said.

"You must be punished,"  Fastidious said.

"Enough talk," Hideous said as a crack appeared in Gorgals throne room floor. The red sphere shot down into the depth and brought to life the hidden gargoyle army.

Next the ground shook and released the swarm of mindless gargoyle soldiers. They flew to the surface in a field, near the protection shield. The noise from their flapping wings was deafening. After the twenty thousand had left the ceiling and floor sealed up.

Oliver was about to close the door when Celesta in cat form snuck in.

"Oliver this is an emergency. Landor needs you." she said and they vanished before he could say a word. They materialized in Landors castle in front of Landor.

"Oliver we are under attack from the evil spheres themselves,this has never happened before," Landor said.

Landor and Oliver materialized on a hill top far enough away so not to be noticed.

"Why are they attacking the town?" Oliver asked.

"Because they are afraid of you," Landor answered.

"Me? Are you sure?" Oliver questioned.


They were silent as they watched the last gargoyle come out of the ground. The gargoyles have a black leather skin. Their faces were like a bulldogs face with short horns on their head. The eyes glowed a red color from Hideous as he controlled them.

In no time these creatures formed a well ordered battalion. Suddenly Oliver heard a noise behind him. It was a gargoyle swinging it's sword at Landor and had him pinned to the ground and was going to kill him.

Oliver quickly put out his hand and hollered, "freeze."

The gargoyle stood still and couldn't move. Unexpectedly it developed a frost on it's black leather skin, then froze solid then broke in to red ice cubes. Oliver helped Landor up.

"What are we going to do with the rest when they breach the shield soon, they'll kill everyone in it," Landor said.

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