Young Wizard part 37

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It was very dangerous to be around Oliver, so Landor took his parents to his castle. Oliver returned back home. He made himself a peanutbutter and blueberry jam sandwich and sat on the porch swing and waited.

He had practiced with the projection ring by placing it on and off his finger. Gwen walked up in human form and sat on the swing next to him.

"How are you doing Oliver?" she asked.

"I'm doing okay," he said.

"What brings you here?" he asked.

Gwen stood up and changed into Tatlee. Tatlee is an evil powerful assassin. Her power is the ability to absorb her enemy and their powers. She is beautiful with her long black hair and creamy white skin. She is cover by only a fuzzy blue robe. All she has to do is open it to absorb Oliver.

"You do Oliver," Tatlee said in her sexy voice.

"What are all those tattoos on your body for?" he asked.

"Those are all my victims whom I've absorbed," she proudly said.

"How do you do it?" Oliver asked.

"I open my robe and when they look at me they are mine," Tatlee said.

"That won't work on me," Oliver said.

"No one has resisted me yet," she said as she opened her robe to absorb Oliver.

Nothing happened. Oliver still sat on the swing unaffected. Tatlee started to shrink in size, until she was three inches tall, then Oliver placed Tatlee in a dream bubble of reality.

Oliver slid off his projection ring and appeared behind the bubble. He lifted it up and looked at her while she slept.

"It is much better for you to be in there, than I a tattoo on you," Oliver said.

Celesta materialized and took the dream bubble from Oliver.

"There is one more assassin and he's a very good swordsmen so be very careful," Celesta said as she vanished.

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