Young Wizard part 41

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The evil Oliver brought Zan to his old magical laboratory. He looked around and saw that no one had been in it for many year. There was dust and cobwebs every where. Most all of the glassware was broken too. Even time had taken it's toll on Zan, because he was now an old gray haired man.

"It's been a long time," Zan said.

"Yes it has," the evil Oliver said.

Zan said, "I'm sorry that I won't be able help you, cause I don't even have glasses to read the incantations with."

"That won't be a problem," the evil Oliver said.

He raised his hand at Zan. Little red reflective balls the size of marbles, appeared out of the floor and began to spin around Zan. There were so many that Zan could no longer be seen, only this red magical twister. Slowly a younger Zan appeared as the transforming balls vanished.

Zan touched his young smooth face. He could see his hands, he could see everything clearly now.

"Look at my poor magical laboratory," Zan cried.

The evil Oliver again raised his red glowing hand and the red reflective ball cover Zan's laboratory with in seconds the laboratory was returned to it former state. All the the glassware and books were clean and in place.

"Wow, I don't know how to thank you," Zan said.

"Tell me more about this magical wand that can erase memory," the evil Oliver said as he grinned.

They walked into the laboratory and Zan began working on the wand.

The party at Landor's castle was a great success and now every good magical creature knew that Oliver was the great wizard. Even though he was, he still needed to learn more about the true nature of magic.

Landor was still his teacher, and Oliver had different magical task to complete.

This morning Oliver knocked on Landors bedroom door.

"Come on in Oliver," Landor said.

A surprised look sprang on Oliver's face as the door swung open. Oliver took a big step in, on the real grass that covered the floor. He walked over to where Landor stood, in front of a floating mirror brushing his beard.

"Landor, where are the floors and walls to your bedroom?"

"It's a long story, but neither Alura or I could agree on how the bedroom should be decorated, so we didn't. We did agree on the grass," Landor said with a chuckle.

Oliver looked at their bed. It had a nice canopy, but still sat on the grass. Oliver tried to get his mind around Landors wide open bedroom.

"You will need to turn into an Elf before you go to help Jeffery," Landor said.

A puzzled look appeared on Oliver's face.

"Elf's feel threatened by taller creatures, even if they're friendly," Landor explained.

Oliver wished himself to be an Elf. He quickly shrunk and turned green, and then grew pointed ears. Landor smiled.

"What type of help are they needing?" Oliver asked.

"There has been a giant troll bother the Elf community," Landor replied.

"It sound easy," Oliver said.

"Still be careful," Landor warned.

"I will," Oliver said and vanished.

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