Young Wizard part 12

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Oliver transformed back into himself.

"I must get this to Landor's dungeon quickly ," Celesta said.

"I have some fairies to free," Oliver said.

"Oliver I'm so proud of you. You're the smartest and bravest human that I ever met," Celesta said as she vanished.

"All of your fairies are stuck in the spiders web. Let's go get them out," Oliver said.

Oliver pumped up the lantern and they entered into the dark cave. It emitted a very bright light.

"Gwen are you doing all right?" Oliver asked.

"Yes why?" she asked.

"We are over halfway into the cave and you still have you magical powers to fly," Oliver said.

"I was so excited that I forgot about that," Gwen said.

"It must be the light from the lantern," Oliver said as they arrived at where the fairies were stuck in the spiders web.

"Gwen who is this clever human boy?" Shelby asked

"This is Oliver. He's Landor's new wizard," Gwen answered.

"Oliver had all of us laughing at the prank he played on that stupid spider," Lena said.

"What do you think of him? Sarah asked.

"Well he's brave and smart enough to save all of you plus he's already compliment me," Gwen answered.

All of the fairies went, "Ooh!"

"Am I in trouble?" Oliver asked.

"No just lovable," Gwen answered.

It took some time to release all of fairies from the cobwebs. There were over a hundred of them.

"I have noticed that there's no men fairies," Oliver said.

"I know it puzzles us too," Gwen said.

Oliver pumped the lantern and all of the fairies flew out of the cave.

"Is everyone ready to go back home?" Oliver asked.

"Yes Oliver," all the fairies said at once.

"Hold on to me," he said.

They all held on to Oliver. Some tickled and some pinched him. Oliver and the fairies vanished then appeared at the fairy tree village. All of the fairies went in to clean themselves of the cobwebs except Gwen.

"Thanks Oliver for saving everyone. If you ever need anything from any of us all you have to do is ask," Gwen said.

She flew up to Oliver and kissed him again. This time he kissed her back. They smiled at each other.

"I have to leave now, becauce I want to see what's going to happens to the spider," Oliver said.

"Come by and visit," Gwen said.

"I will," Oliver said as he vanished and appears next to Celesta in the dungeon.

"I see that you're mastering the time jumps pretty well," Landor said as he placed the spider in the drawer with the others and closed it.

"I was so glad that Oliver had a plan to save the fairies because none of us good magical creatures can go in the underworld, " Celesta said.

"That's how it always has been," Landor said.

"Don't fairies need magic to fly?" Oliver asked.

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