Young Wizard part 26

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Oliver materialized in the center of the grassy courtyard. The dragons saw him and headed toward him. In an instant they sprayed him with their green flaming goo. As the flaming goo burned off,

Oliver stood unharmed because of the shield in his watch, but the grass around him was burnt to cinders. Oliver became so aggregated at what the dragons were doing that he raised his hand at them. It glowed a bright blue color.

Oliver spoke this incantation, " evil dragons small of mind, flowers are your powers you will find."

Suddenly the dragond could no longer shoot out green flames, but white, pink and purple flowers streamed from their mouths. They flew up above the burning castle.

"What's wrong with us? one dragon asked to the others.

"All I can do is shoot out these stupid flowers," another dragon said.

The third dragon sneezed flower all over the other two.

"Hey," they said.

The sneezy dragon laughed real loud.

"Laugh it up flower breath!" one dragon said.

Oliver laughed too. Again he raised his had at the dragons.

"Evil dragons small of mind, come and be a charm on this small key ring of mine," he spoke.

Oliver then held out his hand as the swirling vortex pulled the dragons down while shrinking them. A key chain appeared in his hand. Oliver held it up and the only things the dragons could do were to move their eyes back and forth.

Oliver looked around and saw the damage the dragons had done. This time Oliver raise both hands and wished the castle back to how it was. In a twinkle it had changed back to how it was.

Oliver vanished and appeared down in the dungeon. He handed the key chain to Celesta.

"Will you place them in a dream bubble?" Oliver asked.

"Sure Oliver. You were brave to face them all by yourself," Celesta replied.

"Thanks Oliver. I haven't received all of my powers back yet. I'm. glad you were here," Landor said.

"Your welcome Landor," he said.

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