Young Wizard part 17

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Oliver flew to the trees and landed on a large deck that connected the trees. All of the fairies stopped dancing and Gwen came out of one of the trees.

"I'm glad that you were able to make it to the party," Gwen said as she took Oliver's hand.

"What do you call that dance that everyone was doing?" Oliver asked.

"You mean flutter dancing?" Gwen asked.

"Yes it looks like fun," Oliver said.

"Would you like me to teach you?" Gwen asked.

"No. I had watched them do it and I think I can do it," Oliver answered.

"Okay," Gwen said as she grabbed Oliver's hand.

They held each others hands, and float up about ten feet in the air. Each one spun around real fast then Gwen let go and flew back up. Instead of Oliver doing the same thing he lost control and was flung into the bushes. The only part of Oliver, Gwen could see was his feet kicking back and forth. She called several other fairies to help pull him out.

"Are you okay?" Gwen asked.

"Yeah. I think so," Oliver said as he pulled a small branch out of his hair.

All of the fairies giggled. Oliver straightened his clothes. Oliver was still a little dazed.

"Thanks for all your help, you beautiful fairies," Oliver said.

Every fairy that was outside spun around really fast and shot up into the air like a bottle rocket after hearing Oliver's compliment. Slowly they floated back down.

Gwen flew down to Oliver and asked, "can I compliment you?"

"Sure," Oliver said.

"You are the nicest and cutest person I've ever met," Gwen spoke.

Oliver went into an uncontrollable spin then he shot up into the air past all of the trees. He discovered that he lost his shoes some where then he floated back down to Gwen.

"Wow. I had no idea how powerful a compliment could be to a fairy. It was like being shot out of a cannon then there was this great release. I'm so sorry. I promise no more compliments," Oliver said.

"Want to see where I live?" Gwen asked.

"Okay," Oliver said.

They flew up to Gwen's tree.

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