Young Wizard part 11

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The gas lantern started to dim. Oliver sat it down and pumped it up again. It now gave off a brighter light and when Oliver turned around there was the giant black spider standing front of him. Oliver froze for several silent seconds then he cleared his throat.

"How are you?" Oliver asked.

The giant evil spider backed up slightly, not knowing what to expect.

"What are you doing in my cave?" the spider asked in a deep masculine voice.

Oliver saw the twinkling captured fairies stuck in the gooey cobwebs further back in the cave.

"I have come to free the fairies," Oliver boldly said.

"How is a small human child going to free my fairies?" the evil spider chuckled.

"I am a very powerful wizard and I can turn you into a speck of dust if I wanted to," Oliver answered.

"No you can't. You're in the underworld," the spider said.

Oliver stood up straight and put his hands on his hips in a scolding authoritative fashion.

"I have changed the rules," Oliver declared.

"You have changed the rules?" the giant evil spider laughed.

"Don't laugh at me. You wouldn't want to make mad because with my great powers I could change you into a little sissy spider in a pink tutu," Oliver said.

"I like you small human child," the spider laughed.

Oliver mocked the spider in the deepest voice he could speak, "I like you small human child."

The spider laughed uncontrollably as Oliver slipped the small slip hoop on the spiders front leg.

"What are you doing with that small thread?" the spider asked as he examined it and thought nothing of it.

"I am a powerful wizard that will pull you from this cave with that small thread," Oliver answered.

"Your a little human boy who could easily be my afternoon snack," the spider said.

"I warn you now you may be my afternoon snack," Oliver mocked.

The spider could not stop laughing. Oliver ran to the cave's entrance.

"Don't leave me now. I haven't laughed like this in ages. I promise that I won't eat you," the spider chuckled.

When Oliver reached the entrance he put the large hoop around his neck. Celesta was ready with the dream bubble. Oliver turned into a large snorting rhino running down the mountain side. The rope tightened. The spider struggled to stay in the cave but it was no match for the rhino. Celesta raised her hands speaking several magical incantations. A huge dream bubble formed above the caves entrance. When the spider was pulled out Celesta lowered it on to the spider. The large bubble shrank to the size of a large baseball.

Young Wizard  (the book)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora