Young Wizard part 44

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Oliver returned to Landors castle. There on a wooden table under a shady apple tree sat Celesta and his parents. She was teaching them magic.

"How did your assignment go?" Celesta asked.

"Okay, I shrunk an evil Troll that was hunting the Elf's," he said.

"Your assignment was a success because you didn't kill him," Celesta said.

"You know that in your heart that was the right thing to do, because we raised you well," Evelyn said.

"Oliver can you make your mother and I one of those watches that everyones wearing?" Rodger asked.

"Sure no problem," he said and in a twinkle the watches appeared on the table.

"Thanks Oliver," Rodger said as he put it on.

"What can it do?" Evelyn asked.

"You can call up someone and it will show them to you on the little screen," Oliver answered.

"And these watches also have sound," Celesta added.

Oliver continued, " it has GPS capabilities, the Gnomes like that because it helps them find the thing they hid. Then there's the automatic protection shield, oh and then you can tell time with it too," he chuckled.

"Thanks Oliver," Evelyn said.

Back down in the underworld, Zan was busy working on the forgetting wand. He had several cauldron boiling away, while on his table he had over thirty wand that were candidates to choose from.

The evil Oliver was busy watching Oliver's every move, with his crystal ball, trying to find a weakness to exploit.

"What's Oliver up to now?" Zan asked while pouring one liquid into another container.

"That brat has just shrunk my giant Troll," the evil Oliver answered.

"You won't have to worry how powerful Oliver has becomes, because with one flick of this wand I'm making, he won't know who he is or who his daddy is," Zan evilly chuckled.

"I need a plan to draw Oliver down here, so I can use the wand on him," the evil Oliver thought and said out loud.

"Didn't you tell me that he has parents," Zan asked.

"Yes, but kidnapping them didn't go well and we lost Gorgal and Demonya," the evil Oliver said.

"Well how about his butterfly girl friend?" Zan asked.

"Yes there is Gwen," the evil Oliver said as he rubbed his chin.

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