Young Wizard part 42

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Oliver materialized in the Elf's tree village. The floor of the village was entirely covered with wood chip. Every elf was a wood carver. They make all types of wood objects that everyone needs and wants, from combs to furniture.

Oliver spoke to his magical science watch, to call Jeffery. Jeffery's watch rang and Oliver heard it then knocked on the door it was coming from.

"Hi Oliver, I was expecting you. but can you wait a minute there's someone knocking at my door," Jeffery said.

"I know it's me," Oliver said with a chuckle.

Jeffry opened the door and said, "Hi Oliver come on in."

"Landor has sent me to help you with your problem."

Jeffery looked at Oliver and did a double take as he realized that Oliver was an Elf.

"You look so Elfish," Jeffery said because he was so lost for words.

Oliver looked around as they walked into what looked like a frontroom. It was dark. Jeffery pulled a grape out of his front pocket and placed it in this lamp looking jar with a shade. He quickly closed it up as a hundred fireflys landed on the grape and sucked it's juice. Suddenly and unexpectedly they gave off a very bright light.

It lit up the entire room. On the walls were carving of Elf's doing different things and all the furniture was hand carved out of their tree home and was still connected to the floor.

Melba, Jeffery's wife saw Oliver and ran over to him. She knelt on the flloor before him and kissed his hand.

"Thank you great wizard for getting rid of Gorgal and Demonya for they have always had it in for us Elf's," Melba said.

"I was about to ask Jeffery how he liked his magical carving wands," Oliver said.

"He makes a mess all over the house with them," Melba said.

"Maybe I can make you something that you can use," Oliver said.

"You can make her a magical broom that sweeps up al by itself," Jeffery said.

Melba gave Jeffery one of those looks.

"Would you like something to drink?" Melba asked.

"Sure what do you have?" Oliver asked.

"We have swamp water or muck water tea," she answered.

"I think I'll have the muck water tea," Oliver said.

"Me too," Jeffery said.

Oliver watched Jeffery drink down about half of his muck water tea, and then took a big gulp himself. It was so sour that it made Oliver's right eye close completely and his left one water.

"I know what you can make me. You can make me a water picture that will never run dry," Melba said.

"Why would you need that?" Oliver questioned.

"There is an giant evil Troll that lives at the waters edge that tries to kill and eat us when we go to get water," Melba said.

Oliver could believe his ears. He made Melba the never ending water picture. She lined up all her glasses and started filling each one.

"Let's go visit this Troll," Oliver said.

"Thank you Oliver," Melba said as him and Jeffery walk out of the tree house.

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