Young Wizard part 6

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A twinkling light appeared in the center of this old dirt road, then Landor and Oliver appeared in it's place. Old oak trees lined the road which lead to a huge mountain. They hurriedly walked to the base of the mountain then Landor stopped.

"Welcome to my castle. Long ago Celesta placed a spell on it to hide it and freeze it in time until I returned," Landor said.

He raised his hands and spoke an incantation. The mountain turned into this beautiful white stoned castle. Oliver turned to look back behind himself and watched the trees as they turned into acorns. He turned his head back around to the castle as a clanking sound was made by Landor magically lowering the drawbridge. Suddenly a large pig ran out being chased by a very short man. Nearly out of breath the short man came running up.

"Welcome home Landor. Who is your squire?" he asked.

Landor laughed, "This is Oliver our new wizard. Oliver this is Roman our head cook."

"Nice to meet you Roman," Oliver said.

"Nice to meet you Oliver. Aren't you to young to be a wizard?" Roman asked.

"Not this one," Landor said.

Roman started to chase the pig again. He managed to get on it's back but was quickly thrown to the ground and landed on his face. Oliver and Landor cringed.

"I better help him if we want meat tonight," Landor said as he raised his hand and a long rope appeared around the pigs neck.

At a distance away Roman wave and hollered thanks.

"Let's see who's been waiting for me," Landor said as they walked in to the grassy courtyard.

A beautiful woman with a little girl came rushing up to Landor. They hugged and kissed Landor for a few minutes.

"This is Oliver. He's the one who freed me from the book," Landor said.

Oliver extended his hand to greet the woman but she pulled him to her and gave Oliver a big hug. The little girl hugged Oliver's legs.

"This is my wife Alura and my daughter Ariel," Landor said.

"Thank you Oliver," Alura said.

"Thank you Oliver for bringing back my daddy to me," Ariel said.

"Your welcome," Oliver said.

"We must be off. I have to see about your welcome home party," Alura said as her and Ariel walked to the kitchen area.

"Would you like a tour of the castle?" Landor asked.

"Sure," Oliver said.

They walked to the right of the castle. Landor pointed out the masonry oven that gave off the aroma of fresh baked pies and breads. Further along the castles wall was a small town. It was beautiful with all of it's different types of colored building with the shops on the bottom floors. All the streets were cobble stone and on each corner was a gas lamp post. Different plaques read what the shops offered. At this on shop you could smell them making chocolate and across the street was a shop that had beautiful gowns hanging in the windows.

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